I Ate This Title... It was Good :3

I'm really glad that people have slightly slowed down a bit, 'cuz of school :D it's easier to follow the roleplay!
I should have a Story Thus Far up maybe tomorrow, so don't worry Deidara-chan, I'll save you! Haha.
I frickin' love the love square with Lux, Hoom, Estelle, and Lupe...
PAAAANTIEEEESSS..... mwahahaha! Y'all are genious!! I'm entertained hurr hurr BD
So here I go.

Feeling the early morning sun on my face, I woke up and opened my eyes. For a split second, I forgot what had happened last night, but then I remembered. With Eva's, Daniel's, and Akira's help, I was able to carry the Chinchou guy to a spare room in the mansion so he could be comfortable. He woke up and we all talked to him. His name's Chii. He's a pretty cool guy! Haha... I have a nickname now, Nekoboy. That's awesome.

I kitty-stretched there on my bed, inverting and then arching my back, and a nice little shiver travelled its way down my spine to the tip of my tail. I just sat on my bed then, looking out the two tall windows to the forest beyond. It might take a while, but the destroyed forest will grow back, as green and lush as ever.


I was jerked out of my meditations by my stomach. It's about time for me to eat! I headed out of my room to the nearest bathroom, splashed some water on my face, combed through my slightly tangly hair, and then headed downstairs to eat breakfast. Hm... I want bagels! I hope they have bagels...

I'm sorry it was so short; tonight is an impromptu movie night for my family and we're about to watch one. I'll do the Story Thus Far tomorrow and maybe continue Nyarth's view on his day!
And Nina, just pester him and y'all can go on a walk outside today! ^3^ He's going to forget, he's slightly forgetful you know ^^
