Quiz Results shinshika

What God Are You?

I guess it's my argumentative personality.

Who Is Your Guardian?

Well that's vague.

What Inuyasha Couple Are You?

I think this is pretty accurate.

What Female FMA Character Are You?

I think Rose is much sweeter than I am, but I guess it's close enough.

Which Furuba Character Are You?

I keep getting this result. Apparently these quiz makers think I'm like Kyo.

What Girl From Furuba Are You?

I don't understand how some of these results are tallied. I'm almost nothing like Tohru.

Which Fruits Basket Character Are You?

No, pretty much angry and aggressive...

What Saiyan Are You?

Not so much...

What Death Note Character Are You?

I'm usually Ryuuk in quizzes like this, so this is interesting.

What Shinigami Are You?

I thought I was going to get Sidoh, to be honest. Oh well, Ryuk is awesome.

What Death Note Character Are You?

Except I would never be reckless enough to get myself killed like that.

Who's Your Anime Daddy?

I think I would like a doting father.

What Is Your Anime Hair Colour?

I'm not sure where this result is coming from. I'm definitely not soft-spoken nor necessarily passionate.

What's Your Personality Quirk?

I'm sure some would agree with this, though I'm not sure I'm one of them.

What Member Of The Team Are You?

Weird result, but I do love Armstrong.

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