Eneko (Fan Art Portfolio) Can't sit at the Men's table, Rai-Rai.

Can't sit at the Men's table, Rai-Rai.
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Here it is! All finished!! First of all I know it's not shaded or highlighted, and there's no background, etc, but lemme say that this was my first time working with Paint Tool SAI and I played it safe this time. I'm submitting this like it is, you know what? There's nothing wrong with flat coloring!! XD

So to me it seems that ALL the guys from PGR are buff, having great abs and other muscles. But one of our newest guys, Rai, is smaller and younger than the others, and doesn't really have as much muscles as everyone else, so I bet Lux wouldn't agree he's a man XD

So I drew them all chibi-like, kinda like a preschool snacktime setting :3 Everyone's eating their favorite food! (Drinking, in Tanner's case; he loves tea so he's drinking green tea)

Rai: *goes over to the men's table to sit down and eat his apple*
Lux: There's no room, you gotta sit at the BIG KIDS' table, Rai. *snicker*
Rai: Oh...
Arc: Sorry, man. ^w^;
Nyarth: Come sit with me at the big kids' table-nya!!! THIS is the cool table!! :3

Toya says Rai would easily leave the men's table for Nyarth's poffins XDD
Click here for her follow-up comic to it! It's absolutely adorable!!


  • I know Luca's leg looks wonky; I don't feel like fixing it. Deal :p
  • Mighta got some colors slightly wrong with the outfits, sorry people!!
  • Hope I got Tanner's skin tone right!! I actually did different skin tones this time. With the exception of Tanner, there's only 3 different skin tones between all the guys. Tan, light, and peachy. I bet you can tell who is which :3
  • Dunno why I gave Patrick and Rai a whole apple, and Abs only apple slices. XDD Sorry Aberius, if you wanted a full apple!! X3
  • Have I mentioned I love the design of Xio's, Lux's, and Arc's hair?? They're different and they stand out! :DD

Dedicated to Shayde and if I could, I'd also dedicate it to Kiro-sama because they helped me with navigating SAI! :3 Thank y'all!

Whoo!! That's a lotta tags for this group picture!! OvO;;

Pokemon Fan Art
aberius, abs, absol, arc, arcanine, chibi, dark luxray, deino, delin, gijinka, gligar, glyph, hon, houndoom, luca, lucario, lux, luxray, meowth, nyarth, patrick, pgr, pokemon, purrloin, rai, rai-rai, raichu, raimundo, snacktime, tangrowth, tanner, xio
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