My little world is about my life is full of anime and also full of wonders,my mine can be say is full of anime and imagination od manga and silly stories.So, I made this little world of mine to tell the imagination or stories and my interest that always make me building castle in the air.

link art work

I have submit some of my other art work in another forum,, feel free to look at it.

Lazy me

For who you view my world,I have to say I'm sorry for the emptyness in my world.I'm the one who create this world but I'm the one who is lazy to post anything,I always come to theotaku,but never post lazy of me.I'm always blur and always dunno what to do although I'm quite free.I like to watch what other doing, but never do it myself. So...for those who see this post,I hope to know what you're doing and I do like to know more people.If you like to discuss anything about anime or manga with me, I will be very welcome you to do so.That's all for this post.It will be a long long time I will post another.So,bye.
