I can sense you are not afraid.But your fears are living, breathing creatures. They appear when you are alive or dead.

Welcome to the land of horror and fears. Where beautiful, nightmares takes place. But the most beautiful roses, are the ones with the sharpest thorns you see. Who am I you ask? Well that is not important right now.

This horrible place is those for the outcats and the rejected. Many of you will realize once you come here, you inherited a ability that mankind could never imagine to have. But for that price, you can never leave, ever. For those who are young or bored, we have a special school for you. What I mean by special....well you have to figure that out by yourself.

Whether you live or die is your own option. Just try to keep a low profile for now, in order to get to the next stage.

Luna chan- Eri

Imouto chan-
vdr-07- Leverett
Support KIRA- Eris
xoMiharuChanxo- Kai
Ryochi30- Reona and Ren
GothicLolitaFan- Charlotte


Please come ons! Let's get this started again! I miss this club ever so much! Such an interesting plot! Anyone who reads this, even if you have a block or not enough time to mess around with this, please just make a short two sentence post!!!!! Come ons! Pweeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaasssssssssssse??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
We followed "Eris" as he tried to walk away, then suddenly he started to run, and super fast. Ren and I dashed after him.
I saw him heading to the door of Leverett's office, and then it opened.
"No no no!!" I thought in my head and sped up. But when we got there Eris had already tackled him, and had him pinned to the floor. Leverett was knocked out cold. "Eris" looked dazed for a moment, then looked down at Leverett and smiled wickedly.
In a sudden burst, I ran up behind him and kicked his back violently. He sailed off Leverett and into a cupboard, upside down.
I kneeled down to look over Leverett, but he seemed fine except his head looked slightly bruised. I looked back up to see Ren staring fixedly at "Eris."
He had got back up on his feet now, and looked perfectly pissed.
Oh snap! Please continue T~T

Spirit Energies!!!! o.O

I heard the laughter. The evil evil laughter, so I decided to go check it out. I ran out despite Leverett's demands to stay, and saw the tall guy from before (the one who had frozen my hand). He punched Eris in the jaw and his face jerked sideways sharply.
I blinked in surprise. What did Eris do? But then I saw a red glow around him. No, that was not Eris. I made to where I could only see his spirit energy, and saw a small white dot in the middle of his stomach. That must be him....poor Eris.
Then Death stepped out of the shadows he, of course, had been hiding in the whole time. He stared directly at Eris.
Eris had twisted his head to look back at the boy from before, but barely glanced at Death first. Death did not look happy as he stared at Eris. Having Death stare at you is not the most comforting feeling, especially if its a glare, but he looked terribly comfortable.
He must be on Death's "People To Get" list; the people who had cheatingly escaped him, and now taunt him, until their other sand timer runs out, and he gets them anyways. Most of them don't know this, but a few have figured it out. Theres not a lot of them anyways. But sometimes, they where mostly the people Life liked, and wanted to keep around a little longer. So Death, being the nice skeleton he is, puts their souls into a person, or thing(which is very rare), that is more connected to the supernatural, as they call it. But sometimes it wasn't their fault, so Death would just wait it out until they were done with whatever.
Eris smiled evily. Probably because of some evil scheme. Death tensed, then paused. Then he dissapeared. He must have gone crazy.
"I am not crazy, simply waiting." The cold structure voice said, as if Death was right beside me. But I knew if I turned around, nothing would be there except for a pillar. Hold on, hold on; he's waiting???? For what?
Ok, if this is not how anything goes at all, then please comment because I have no idea what this dudes supposed to be or whatever. I'm getting most of this off of a conversation I had, and decided to roll with it. Please please please tell me if I need to change anything, because I will!
John on Death's "To Get" list because...he has yet to get him! yay!


The girl gently tugged at the strand of hair over my nose and my face turned bright red. Life was the only girl who had ever gotten even this close up, so this was definately new for me. Then suddenly she pulled away and asked politely "I haven't seen you around here before. Did you just arrive here today?"
I blinked in surprise and tried to get my thoughts straight. "Er, uh... Yeah. Li-uh, my friend said I should go here so....here I am?" I said looking around. I could see there was another boy staring coldly at the floor holding the door open. He saw me looking at him and he slowly looked me up and down. When he got to my face he stared at my hair for a long time, then met my gaze and stared at the floor again."My names Reona." I was startled out of my inspection of the boy and looked at the girl, Reona, who now had her hand held out to me.
"Um, uh, my names Midoru." I said and shook her hand.

Meeting Reona

I looked at the piece of paper and wandered around the halls. Finally I found a room with the same numbers as the piece of paper and entered. As I walked in I heard footsteps walk up behind me. I spun around to see a girl with light blonde hair down to her waist and colorful clothes, with gray-blue eyes.
"Wow! Your hair is purple!" She said going wide-eyed, and staring at my hair. She reminded me a lot of Life.
I looked into her mind to see how her brain was, and noticed everything was out of order. Her and Life would get along great.... Oh no, I hope she doesn't appear to her....
After she got done staring at my hair she looked me up and down, staring with interest.

XD Reona is cool

Life's Warning

Thunder boomed and the sky darkened. It started to lightly rain as I approached the building.
"You don't have to come along, you know." I told the figure beside me. The person giggled.
"Of course I do. And my brother will be here shortly."
I sighed.
"We've got to watch out for you, you know."
"You don't have to watch out for me," I snapped back, "you just have to make sure I don't 'screw up' or whatever. I still don't know what I could screw up in, anyways."
Life giggled again as it started to rain. Her perfectly white hair went down to her lower back, against her black skin. And not the African black, but the pure color black.
I sighed. "Just don't follow me everywhere, will you? Talking to the air just doesn't seem normal."
She gave me one of her icy glares, which, if she let it, could turn someone to actual ice. "You might find things here are a little bit opposite from normal, Midoru." And small black petals surrounded her, and she dissapeared.
I looked back to the school. Not too welcoming.... perfect. I walked inside.