Hey, Baby, I'm a Rockstar ;

Six inch walker,
Big shit talker,
I never play the victim,
Id rather be a stalker.

So baby take me in,
I'll disobey the law,
Make sure you frisk me good,
Check my panties and my bra.

January 24 2010

Time: 1:57PM

Music: Rockstar 101 - Rihanna ft. Slash

Mood: Holy crap, I jizzed :)

Kay, so, what's happenin' ma home brah(s)?

I'm wearing a Super Mario shirt with a red one underneath and boxers with owls on them. Do I pull that outfit off?

Quite frankly, yes.

Yes, I do.

So, MLIA is my new idol. Funniest shit I've heard in all my years of living.

Guess what, you guys?

Legally I'll be !# in 2 weeks! And tomorrow's Tandy's birthday. Tandy, standing for Taylor's.

Yesterday, while my parents were gone, my brother's friends came over and started chucking snowballs at our house. It wasn't until they started making a snowman on my window that I got pissed.

Then I went out with my brother and we had a huge ass snowball fight on my driveway. And my brother dumped a crap load of snow down my shirt.

My hair was a complete, utter MESS.

I was bitching them out like no tomorrow.

They were smoking weed [again], so I showered twice to get the stank all off me. And Brad was high enough to comment on my a$$. That boy should lay off the drugs,

And alcohol.

Wouldn't want that little incident happening again.

I got tackled like 4 times. And apparently, I look like my brother only with longer hair.

I was like, "Excuse me? If you haven't noticed, I have boobs and ass, so shut the f-ck up." I should really think before I say anything. Claud was super amused. I don't take people saying I look manly too keenly.

His other friend, I forget his name said, an I quote, "She also have a VERY dirty mouth. But I think we all knew that." I simply flipped him off and threw snow down the front of his shirt and pants.

Just because.

I'm no slut.

They just believe I've lost my virginity.

How they got that idea, I'll never know. ;)

I'm grounded for two weeks. Well, this is my last week. Annnnd, I got my texting taken away.

So pissed.

My life revolves around texting. Well, it DID. Until my brother went over his limit and got both of ours taken away.

I didn't go over my limit, I just used my internet when I wasn't aware. The only reason I got mine taken away was because if he took my brother's away and not mine, my brother would throw a bitch fit, and never talk to me or my father again.

Well, not NEVER. Just for a certain amount of time.

Like, two days.

So I still have a phone, just not internet or texting.

I'm still kinda grateful, more pissed then anything though.

I'm such a spoiled brat.

I should get my art homework done considering it's due Thursday and I'm nowhere near done. My art teacher thinks I talk too much.


She's delusional.

Anyways, I'm off to write chapter twenty-nine of my never ending story.
Black Guitars &&Checkered Nails,
Jess :]
