My name is DA.

50 Shades of Me

1. What is your best friends name?
Ana, Emily, John, Joe, Jennifer
2. What color underwear/boxers wearing now?
Red, I think. I'm in class, so I can't check...
3. What are you listening to right now?
My professor talk about causal research.
4. Whats your favorite number?
5. What was the last thing you ate?
A Kit-Kat Bar.
6. If you were a crayon what color would you be?
7. How is the weather right now?
8. Who was the last person you talked to on the phone?
A coworker
9. The first thing you notice about the opposite sex?
Their build, typically their height.
10. Do you have a significant other?
Sort of.
11. Favorite TV show?
Supernatural, Castle, Smallville, Firefly, Once Upon a Time, Glee, and Community
12. Siblings?
2 bros
13. Height?
14. Hair color?
Dark, dirty blonde
15. Eye Color?
16. Do you wear contacts?
17. Favorite Holiday?
Thanksgiving because then I celebrate my bday, too.
18. Month?
May or April
19. Have you ever cried for no reason?
20. What was the last movie you watched?
Beauty and the Beast. :3
21. Favorite Day of the Year?
22. Are you too shy to ask someone out?
Oh god yes.
Although, I did confess to a guy once. Via text. I could never ever do it in person.
23. Can you do a headstand (not using the wall)?
24. Hugs or Kisses?
But I love hugs.
25. Chocolate or Vanilla?
26. Do you want your friends to respond to this?
27. Who is most likely to respond to a text from you?
All of my friends.
28. Who is least likely to respond to a text from you?
My brother.
29. What books are you reading?
The Lucky One, at the moment.
30. Piercings?
Two on each ear.
31. Favorite movies?
Avengers, The Dark Knight Trilogy, Thor, Disney Movies, Stardust, Glory Road, Coach Carter, etc.
32. Favorite football Team?
33. What are you doing right now?
34. Butter, Plain or Salted popcorn?
Buttered and salted.
37. Dogs or cats?
38. Favorite flower?
Don't have one.
39. Been caught doing something you weren't supposed to do?
As a kid, every day.
40. Do you have a best friend of the opposite sex?
Many, actually.
41. Have you ever loved someone?
I love my family.
But if we're talking romantically, I think I could really love the guy I'm with.
42. Who would you like to see right now?
Oh, a certain someone.... :3
43. Are you still friends with people from kindergarten?
Not like best friends, but friends, yes.
44. Have you ever fired a gun?
45. Do you like to travel by plane?
Wouldn't know.
46. Right-handed or Left-handed?
47. How many pillows do you sleep with?
48. Are you missing someone?
A lot of people actually.
49. Do you have a tattoo?
50. Anybody on the Otaku that you'd go on a date with?
I'd say yes.

Forget and Not Slow Down

Have you ever:
1) Self harmed?
2) Got into a real fight?
Only with my brother.
3) Been too depressed to move out of your bed?
4) Tried to commit suicide?
5) Had to lie to EVERYONE about how you felt?
6) Watched an entire season of a TV show in one sitting?
Yes. Many times.
7) Talked yourself out of serious trouble?
Not really.
8) Accused someone of using you?
9) Shoplifted?
10) Gotten drunk/high?
Drunk, yes. High, no.
11) Been to a concert where your favourite artist was playing?
The Trans Siberian Orchestra counts, right?
12) Skipped doing homework to play a video game?
Oh my god yes.

(Right now) Are you:
13) Suicidal?
14) Bored?
Kind of.
15) Avoiding someone?
16) Avoiding some task?
17) Depressed?
18) Crying?
19) Annoyed with a friend?
20) Worried and confused about something important to you?

Do you:
21) Get depressed easily?
Not at all.
22) Get jealous/envious easily?
Not at all.
23) Feel listening to music can take your mind off things?
It does.
24) Worry about messing about your relationships a lot?
Right now, yes.
25) Try hard in all your classes at school?
I try.
26) Go out drinking?
Not a lot, but I do.
27) Smoke cigarettes?
28) Smoke weed?
29) Do any hard drugs?
30) If you said yes to 28 but no to 29, Why?
Not applicable.
31) Believe in God/Belong to a religion of your own free will?
32) Avoid people you care about because you feel you will only hurt them?
33) Agree that self harm numbs emotional pain?
Not at all.
34) Believe people deserve second chances?
35) Agree with ‘An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth’? (ignoring the religious relation to that saying)
36) Think things will get better?
Always do.
37) Feel afraid that you have done wrong and will eventually be punished?
Not really.
38) (be honest) Do you judge people who think differently to you? (seriously, be honest)
Everyone does to some extent. I prefer to push all those preconceived notions aside and to give everyone a chance.

Preference in boyfriend/girlfriend:
39) Long hair OR short hair?
40) (For Girls one) nice smile OR nice abs?
41) (For Guys one) nice smile OR nice chest?
42) Shy OR open?
43) Eyes OR body?
44) Religious OR non-religious?
Religious. But not a big deal either way.
45) Caring OR non-restricting of you?
46) Straight edge OR non-straight edge?
47) Piercings OR no piercings?
48) Tattoos OR no tattoos?
49) Quiet stay-at-home type OR party type?
A mix of the two.
50) Has friends you get along with OR has parents you get along with?

Would you:
51) Drink alcohol until you were drunk?
I already have.
52) Smoke weed?
53) Smoke cigarettes?
54) Get even with someone who betrayed you?
55) Forgive a boyfriend/girlfriend who deeply hurt you?
I have.
56) Attempt to kill yourself if everything fails you?
I don't run away from my problems
57) Keep your faith (any religious view) no matter what?
I have so far.
58) Join a band as a part time activity?
If I could.
59) Feel sorry for someone who is being affected negatively from alcohol/drug abuse?
If they are doing it to themselves, I don't feel so bad.
60) Stand up for your beliefs if someone strongly goes against them?
I do.
61) Go vegetarian for a month to see what is was like?
62) Fight someone who was harassing your friends/family?
In a heartbeat.
63) Edit photos of yourself before posting them online?
64) Put up with friends who constantly hated against something you believed in/supported?
65) Be friends with someone who was nice to you, but a cunt to other people?
66) Not like someone simply because your friend(s) didn’t like them?
67) Lie to someone close to you because you don’t want them put up with your problems?
I have done this.
68) Starve yourself so you fit some certain clothes?
69) Get surgery on any part of you? If yes then which part of you?
70) Sleep naked?
I have.

You can only choose one:
71) Black or Orange?
72) Metalcore OR Post-Hardcore?
73) Cellphone or Computer?
74) Chocolate milk OR Coke?
Chocolate milk.
75) Tumblr OR Friends?
76) Apple OR PC?
77) TV Shows OR Movies?
78) Old bands OR new Bands?
79) Pop-Punk OR Alternative Rock?
80) Reading OR Listening to music?
81) Coke OR Pepsi? Define your reason for your choice.
Pepsi- better.
82) Staying who you are OR changing yourself drastically?
I'm always changing
83) Breakdown OR Clean vocal bridge?
84) Jonny Craig OR Kellin Quinn? Define your reason for your choice.
No idea who they are
85) Ronnie OR Craig? Define your reason for your choice.
86) Your life as a comedy OR Your life as a documentary?
87) Go to outer space OR Go all around Europe?
88) Shoes OR Shirts?
89) Chelsea Grin OR Suicide Silence?
90) Drop out of school to get a job OR stay at school and finish your education. Define your reason for your choice.
School and job.

Almost over:
91) So far have you told 90 truths? And for fuck sake be honest.
I actually have.
92) Are you quiet about your social life with your family?
Not really.
93) Do you want to travel when you are older?
94) Would you let go of people who mean the most to you to follow your dreams?
I can follow my dreams and still be close with them.
95) Did you notice there are no sex related questions?
Wasn't there some in the beginning?
96) Rather be the opposite gender?
97) What will you name your son/daughter?
I have several picked out. Girl: Jocelyn Boy: Jace
98) Do you get harassed more than most people do?
99) What band do you hate the most? Define your reason.
Justin Beiber.
100) What makes you a bad person in your mind?
Don't know. I don't really think of myself as a bad person.

Love Like Valentine

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It Girl �

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Payphone! ��

Have you ever been to California?
I have never been out of the midwest.

Do you do drugs?
No, but I was at a party in high school once where some of my classmates were smoking pot, and I kept freaking out thinking the cops were going to show up and bust us, and I'd be in trouble for just being there!

Do you drink?
Socially. I'm trying to find things I like.
I hate hate hate beer.
I can handle red beer, but only if there is 60:40 ratio.
Otherwise, I like girly, fruity drinks if the fruitiness can mask the alcohol taste.

What do you want to do before you die?
Travel? I want to see somewhere totally new. I'd love to go over to Europe or Asia or something.

Are you in love?
With JJ Redick, yes!
For real? No. Never been.

Have you ever been heartbroken?

What's your favorite color?
Blue, black, silver.

Do you like girls or boys?
I like both for friends.
Romantically, boys... er men!

Would you rather be in darkness or in bright light?
Can there be a happy medium?

Do you have any kids?
No, but I want some really badly!

Would you rather see the sunrise or the sunset?
I've seen both. I kind of like the sunset.

Do you believe in Heaven and/or Hell?

What is the worst nightmare you've ever had?
I don't really have nightmares. I mean, in the dream I'm scared, but they never wake me up, and I never feel scared when I wake up. I love my nightmares.
But, the 'scariest' one I've had would be about when my ex and I were driving somewhere and we ended up at some abandoned house in the middle of some big city, and this guy we didn't know was trying to kill us.

What's your favorite animal?

Are you self-conscious?

Do you lie a lot?
Hardly at all. I'm a terrible liar.

Do you ever pace around the room?
Nope. I find no use for pacing.

Have you ever committed a crime?
I'm a felon, actually.
Hit a mailbox with my car once.
No joke.

What's your mom's name?
No one knows Your Mom's name.

What kind of car do you drive?
A 2000 Dodge Stratus.

What's your ideal dinner?
Good food?

Have you ever flown on a red eye flight?
Never flown before.

Are you racist against anyone?

Who do you call the most?
My dad.

Do you like Mexican food?

Do you cry a lot?
Hardly at all, actually.

Are you a virgin?

Are you rich?
I wish!

Are you a city or a country person?

What's your dream car?
something that will get me from Point A to Point B.

Do you like videogames?
Love them actually.

Do you watch the news?

Are you in any kind of pain right now?
Right this moment, no.
Except when I twist my wrist and it clicks.

Have you ever cheated on anyone?
Never have; never will.

Do you have a job?

Are you afraid of dying?
not at all.

Can you leave the house without makeup?
Always do.

Do you scream when you're scared?
No. I'm not a screamer.

Do you believe that zombies are possible?

Are you shy?

Are you an open book or a mystery?
Opened. Wide, wide open.

What time is it?
9:06 pm.

Do you sleep with the lights on or off?

Describe your face
Um, freckly. My nose and teeth are crooked.
Greenish eyes.
ya... :/

Who was the last person you kissed?
My ex.