My name is DA.


Elricbrothersfan tagged me. :)

1. Paper or plastic?
I usually say plastic because it's easier to carry all my stuff, but I like paper more.

2. Least favorite movie and why?
I'm drawing a complete blank to all the movies I hate...

3. Favorite movie and why?
The Dark Knight Rises or The Avengers.

4. Estimated no. of times people have said hi to you this week:
I work with hundreds of customers every week. So, a lot.

5. Does being alive mean living life to the fullest?
It doesn't have to, but that's how I see it.

6. If you could meet anyone from any time period in all of human history, who would it be and why?
I'd love to meet JJ Redick. He's my obsession forever and for always.

7. If somebody gave you $10 right now, what would you spend it on (or save it) and why?
Save it on food for next week.

8. Is there something you used to have that you're happier without?
A friend. Or, an ex friend I guess.

9. What do you give to others that they need most?
Comfort, support.

10. Do you collect anything?
I collect fairy figurines.

11. Did you like the questions?


(I posted the rules in my last post. Some day soon, I'll tag other people with some questions of my own.)

1) What is your top anime
It will always fall back to FMA and Inuyasha.

2) If you could be anywhere in the world where would it be.
I'd be in the country. It's so much prettier and clearer there.

3) What is your opinion on Slender Man?
Don't really have an opinion. Never seen him.

4) Whats your chinese Zodiac?
I don't even know. XD

5) What is your dream car?
One that runs well, can turn, has all the mirrors in tact, no dents. :)

6) PS3 or X Box 360
Neither. PC.

7) If you had the chance to take over any company which would it be?
Hm...... I'd have to do more research into that one. I'd love to be apart of a sports franchise, though.

8) Would you say this is taking a long time to do?

9) If there was a zombie out break what is your weapon of choice
An ax! I don't know why.
But, to be more realistic, some sort of high powered gun.

10) Which anime (or tv show or video game) would you want to be in?
Smallville. Maybe I could get some kickass super powers.

11) When was the last time you looked up at the sky?
Just about any time I'm outside, I look up. It's pretty up there.

Another Picture of Me.


1. You're hungry. What's the food thing you think of?
Pizza from Dominoes. I want it so badly right now.

2. Favorite non-anime show?
Supernatural, hands down.

3. What's one thing you wish you could do?
I wish I could read something once and retain it forever.

4. are you better with digital or traditional art?

5. do you reread books?
Oh, yes.

6. Favorite thing to do when you're alone?

7. picture or drawing of your beautiful face?

(This is one of the most recent one I could find at the moment.)

8. sweet or sour?

9. What career did you want when you were a kid?
Marine Biologist

10. How are ya?
Pretty great!

11. What was the last thing someone said to you?
To make you peanut butter & Jealous!

State Your.... Meme

State your.......

Age: 21
Birthday: November 22
Ethnicity: German and Swiss
Hair Color: Blonde
Eye Color: Greenish.
Height: 5'7"

-State 2 favorite characters from 3 different fandoms........
1. Dean Winchester from Supernatural
2. Damon Salvatore from The Vampire Diaries
3. Mako from The Legend of Korra

-State 3 characters you feel you can relate to......
1. Dean Winchester from Supernatural. He's the older sibling, the one that feels he needs to take care of his family. There is nothing more important than family to him.
2. Castiel from Supernatural. He doesn't get references very easily. A lot of things need to be explained to him. He's a very innocent character. Puts a lot of faith in his friends and on trials he thinks is right.
3. Rachel Berry from Glee. She is great in high school in all the things she does. College is a whole different story for her.

-State 3 characters that remind you of three best friends (1 character for each friend).....
1. John- Roy Mustang. Roy secretly cares about his friends a lot and does what is right.
2. Ana- Charlie from Supernatural. Charlie is a complete nerd.
3. Kerie- Santana Lopez from Glee. She tells it like it is.

-State 2 or more things that you wish for.........
I wish I wasn't in debt.
I wish my family wasn't in debt.
I wish Joe and I would work out.

-State 2 or more things that people probably don't know about you......
1. I was an awful, horrid child that wanted all the attention.
2. I am a terrible liar.

-State 1 or more weird things about you.......
I have a part of two separate dead people in my left leg.

-State your 3 favorite songs.....
This week, my favorite songs are:
1. Changed by Rascal Flatts
2. Let It Hurt by Rascal Flatts
3. Hello Seattle Remix by Owl City

-State 2 more genres of music that you like.......
1. Alternative
2. Pop
3. Country

-State 2 or more people you admire.....
1. My mom.
2. Ana.

-State 2 or more people you want to thank, and why you want to thank them.....
1. Ana. She made me who I am today, though I doubt she realizes it. Coming into college, I was this shy, quiet kid who didn't know much about anything. I self hated, self doubted. I didn't much like talking about myself because no one else ever really listened. I hated myself, my body. I didn't think I'd make real friends because the friends I'd ever had had all left me, so I thought the same would be true with her.
But, because of her, I love who I am. I like who I've matured into. I trust people wholeheartedly. I am a bubbly, happy, optimistic individual who loves with all my heart. I wouldn't be here without her.
2. Jennifer- Through thick and thin, she's always been there for me. We live very far apart now, and our relationship hasn't wavered a bit.

-State 2 or more words you could use to describe yourself......
Optimistic, happy.

-State what you're eating now, or the last thing you ate.......
Meatball marinara from Subway.

-State your favorite food.......

-State anything you want to get out of life.....
All I really want is a loving family of my own. If I happen to help a few people on the way, it'd be a great bonus.

-State the song you are listening to now, if you're listening to music.......
Let it Hurt by Rascal Flatts.

-State anything random at all.........
There are over 80 species of chameleons.

Wanted You More

0. Height
I'm really 5'6" and like a half, so I round up to 5'7" so I feel taller.

1. Virgin?
Not anymore.

2. Shoe Size

3. Do you Smoke?

4. Do you Drink?

5. Do you take drugs?

6. Age you get mistaken for?
Depends. If I have blonde hair, usually my own age or a couple years younger. If I have dark hair, people think I'm older by like five years or more.

7. Have Tattoos?

8. Want any tattoos?
Thinking about it, but the only way I'd get one is if there is significant meaning. And, I'd have to have wanted it for longer than 6 months.

9. Got any Piercings?
My ears.

10. Want any Piercings?
I want more ear piercings.

11. Best friend?
I have several.
Jennifer, Ana, Emily, John, Seth, Dylan.

12. Relationship status

13. Crush?
I crush leaves.

14. Biggest turn offs
Talk about leaving.
Smoking is a turnoff for me normally, but Joe smokes, and I'm getting used to it. I still don't like it, but I'm dealing.

15. Biggest turn ons
Smiles, when he rubs my back, when he's in his work clothes, etc.

16. I’ll love you if
you give me attention. PM me, send me a comment, give me a gift, etc, I'll love you forever!

17. Someone you miss
Jennifer! ♥

18. Lost traumatic experience
The molesting thing with my cousin....

19. A fact about your personality
I can't handle bad emotions well. Like, if I should be mad, I'll say I'm mad, but I don't always feel it. I've been faking a lot of my emotions lately simply because I don't feel it.

20. What I hate most about myself
I'm weak.

21. What I love most about myself
My optimism. I believe things are going to turn out the best.

22. What I want to be when I get older
A mom.

23. My relationship with my sibling(s)
Pretty close with both of them.

24. My relationship with my parent(s)
Something that is envied by many. I am so open with both parents.

25. My idea of a perfect date
Something that was genuinely thought about.

My favorite date I've been on is a tie between two. One, we went bowling, out for supper, and then we ended up in this park and walked across this bridge and stood in the middle, talking, and holding each other.
The second was when we went out for ice cream and then decided to go play basketball together. It was great.
Both of these were with my first boyfriend.

26. My biggest pet peeves
Interrupting. When people are impatient, etc.

27. A description of the girl/boy I like
Tall, curly brown hair, average build.

28. A description of the person I dislike the most
Skinny, Long, curly, brown hair.

29. A reason I’ve lied to a friend
I haven't.

30. What I hate the most about work/school
School: Everything.
Work: The customers that don't understand how hard the job can be.

31. What the last text message says
I'm excited, too ♥ This game might go into overtime.

32. What words upset me the most
I don't know. Yes, you do know.

33. What words make me feel the best about myself
NEver thought about that before.

34. What I find attractive in women
Their figures.

35. What I find attractive in men
Shoulders and arms and their smiles.

36. Where I would like to live
Somewhere close to my family.

37. One of my insecurities
My body.

38. My childhood career choice
Marine biologist.

39. My favorite ice cream flavor

40. Who wish I could be
My mom.

41. Where I want to be right now
In a certain someone's arms.

42. The last thing I ate
A cookie.

43. Sexiest person that comes to my mind immediately
JJ Redick

44. A random fact about anything
There are over 80 species of Chameleons.