
(I posted the rules in my last post. Some day soon, I'll tag other people with some questions of my own.)

1) What is your top anime
It will always fall back to FMA and Inuyasha.

2) If you could be anywhere in the world where would it be.
I'd be in the country. It's so much prettier and clearer there.

3) What is your opinion on Slender Man?
Don't really have an opinion. Never seen him.

4) Whats your chinese Zodiac?
I don't even know. XD

5) What is your dream car?
One that runs well, can turn, has all the mirrors in tact, no dents. :)

6) PS3 or X Box 360
Neither. PC.

7) If you had the chance to take over any company which would it be?
Hm...... I'd have to do more research into that one. I'd love to be apart of a sports franchise, though.

8) Would you say this is taking a long time to do?

9) If there was a zombie out break what is your weapon of choice
An ax! I don't know why.
But, to be more realistic, some sort of high powered gun.

10) Which anime (or tv show or video game) would you want to be in?
Smallville. Maybe I could get some kickass super powers.

11) When was the last time you looked up at the sky?
Just about any time I'm outside, I look up. It's pretty up there.
