Welcome to the innersanctum of my mind

I post random things here such as rants and life events,feel free to look around,Also there is the poetry domain where I post poetry,If your into poetry and such.

Current statistics:Planning on moving out.

Ever listen to music before and not get the lyrics but like the beat?

Turns out I had a song that contained less than "Sanitary" lyrics on my world introduction..

For over a year. So I do apologize for that.

back,on a phone

I can't express how sorry I am about my last post,I think it was excessive to say the least,I DID lose my laptop and internet connection but then I got this old nokia phone,the good ol symbian no android and all that.

So this phone allows me to post,send messages,but I can't comment sadly,I will see if i can fix that.

Take care everyone and remember:he who endures,wins

UPDATE: I have fixed the comment problem,now I can do everything
on theo except,well,type at average speed,the phone's keyboard is
tiny and since I use my thumbs to type that's a bit of a problem.
