Hello and welcome to my WORLD~ My name is Yoji and it is a pleasure to meet you. This is my Life world, the place where Ill write about the various events and happenings that take place during my everyday life. From the strange to the daring, if it happens to me it's probably going to end up on here.

About Me~

I'm a twenty-one year old guy from jolly old England. I moved to the state of Texas when I was sixteen and lived there for a good five and a half years before moving back to the UK. In my spare time I like to read, fence and generally goof off. My star sign is Capricorn and I was born in the year of the snake. My favorite fruit food is the strawberry and I'm more of a manga fan than an anime fan. Well, I like books in general~

And that's that, for now. If you want to learn more then you're gonna have to read or talk to me~

Enjoy your visit~

Cheap Ice Cream Woes.

Looks like we still have internet access despite our money issues. So, where to begin?

The stepdad found a job and we're slowly regaining some form of financial stability. Granted, we're rationing our food so it lasts twice as long, but it's still progress. As long as we're not starving, we're fine.

I found a form of employment. I get paid to dig holes and move heavy things. Basically, I'm getting paid $8 an hour to exercise and tan~

I'm gonna get a haircut next weekend (I need to trim it so badly) and I might hang out with a friend from highschool later on in the week. He use to have a crush on me and I plan on making him a little hot under the collar. Hell, if bending over helps me kick his ass on Dynasty Warriors, I'm gonna be rather clumsy with my controller and pick it up rather slowly. >:D

We went shopping today. We have enough food for about 23 days and, against my better judgment, we got the cheap ice cream instead of the cheap sherbet. At least sherbet would have being more flavorful and much less airy.


More Time Off D:

We're gonna have the internet/cable cut off next month due to the stepdad's lateness in finding employment.

We should have it back in a month, though :D

Oh, I perfected the art of country fried bacon (Think KFC, but with bacon). And no, it's more foodgasmic/deadly than you think it is. When I had my first piece, I made a toast to a long and healthy life with Rose, the nanny, who was also eating her fist piece. Ill still find it funny when I'm on heart pills a decade from now.


Time Off.

I have to prepare for the job ill have next month, so I'm gonna have to avoid the internet for a couple of weeks and get cracking. Wish me luck!

I made banana bread for the first time yesterday. It came out well, but I wish I could have added nuts and some kind of cream filling. *Has more ideas than ingredients*


My Day Off. (Rant)

I had today off. Here's what I did:

: I woke up at half eight, noticed my body was still aching and went back to sleep for a couple more hours.
: I laid in bed for an hour or two listening to music. I eventually got out of bed around noon.
: I cooked myself some brunch. Nothing too complex, just something to make a hot sandwich.
: I cleaned the kitchen.
: I then went back to my room and did some crap on the internet for a couple of hours.
: I played with the little one for a couple of minuets while the stepdad primed his feeding bag an hour early.
: I got a banana while the stepdad put the little one to bed two hours early.
: I once again confirmed that I don't get days off.-

-The reason being that the stepdad is incapable of making decisions that should come simply to an adult. He would rather screw about than play with his child. Then he gets mad when the child cries for attention and ends up doing shit like this. The little one needs to play with someone, something I do with him almost daily, which his father fails to do, something a guy my age shouldn't have to do. Hell, someone my age should be working or attending college, not stuck in a house day-after-day looking after a child I shouldn't have to look after because some lazy jerk-off would rather sit on the porch and drink beer than man up. And when I try to confront him, he acts like a victim and threatens me with violence. Because in his mind he's a "man" and to him, men "Do whatever the fuck they want and they don't care if they're right or wrong".

The bastard also quit his new job after one day because he's apparently too old to do it. Meaning he's gonna get a job just like the one he quit three weeks ago, meaning he's put us in a situation where we're gonna have to eat less to pay the bills for no good reason.
His quitting of the job also means I won't have enough to go to any cons this season.

Looks like ill have to work really hard at the job I'm getting next month, pay the citizenship lawyer myself, and hopefully move out next year. Because I'm surely going to be stuck in this house, looking after the little one for the rest of my life if I don't.



A-Kon, Here I Come?!

I might get to go to A-Kon this year/next month. For those of you who don't know, A-kon is a really old anime convention in the DFW. It's full of cosplayers and J-rock bands and strange, alcohol fueled parties that are often the prelude to bad decisions. Basically, the most fun you can possibly have in Texas while in costume~

The stepdad wants me to go because he thinks I deserve to go and Rose (The nanny) wants me to go for some reason or another.

Ill try and cosplay as Greed from FMA if I do go. Ill have to find some breathable leather pants, which might be tricky.

If I cosplay, ill post pics of me on here (In costume) along with any other pictures I take that don't violate the site's TOS. From what I hear, A-Kon can get pretty wild.

Ill have to save at least $300 before the end of the month, wish me luck.
