Cheap Ice Cream Woes.

Looks like we still have internet access despite our money issues. So, where to begin?

The stepdad found a job and we're slowly regaining some form of financial stability. Granted, we're rationing our food so it lasts twice as long, but it's still progress. As long as we're not starving, we're fine.

I found a form of employment. I get paid to dig holes and move heavy things. Basically, I'm getting paid $8 an hour to exercise and tan~

I'm gonna get a haircut next weekend (I need to trim it so badly) and I might hang out with a friend from highschool later on in the week. He use to have a crush on me and I plan on making him a little hot under the collar. Hell, if bending over helps me kick his ass on Dynasty Warriors, I'm gonna be rather clumsy with my controller and pick it up rather slowly. >:D

We went shopping today. We have enough food for about 23 days and, against my better judgment, we got the cheap ice cream instead of the cheap sherbet. At least sherbet would have being more flavorful and much less airy.

