Hello and welcome to my WORLD~ My name is Yoji and it is a pleasure to meet you. This is my Life world, the place where Ill write about the various events and happenings that take place during my everyday life. From the strange to the daring, if it happens to me it's probably going to end up on here.

About Me~

I'm a twenty-one year old guy from jolly old England. I moved to the state of Texas when I was sixteen and lived there for a good five and a half years before moving back to the UK. In my spare time I like to read, fence and generally goof off. My star sign is Capricorn and I was born in the year of the snake. My favorite fruit food is the strawberry and I'm more of a manga fan than an anime fan. Well, I like books in general~

And that's that, for now. If you want to learn more then you're gonna have to read or talk to me~

Enjoy your visit~

Raiser of Gales.

My Halloween was rather typical. I cleaned the house a bit and eat some candy. I watched the little one and eat some more candy. I watched that film about that guy, I believe his name is Robert Paulson, and eat some more candy. We had no trick-or-treaters that night, so the bowl was all mine. However, so were the candy nightmares.

I woke up the next day and, foolishly, washed down that bad dream with more candy. I went to check the post but, unbeknown to me, someone took the post key off that chain, resulting in a fruitless trip. I managed to find the key when I got back home, but I wasn't up to another run. It would look foolish and such. That night I watched Repo Men and had another candy nightmare.

I woke up today and it was cold and raining. So rain, which is sleep inducing, combined with a sugar crash, which is also sleep inducing, resulted in me sleeping until 1:30 in the afternoon. By the time I eventually crawled out of bed the FedEx delivery truck was here. So I coated up and gave the driver a hand unloading. We got the brother's medical supplies but not my delivery. That was waiting for me in the post box, which I checked with the right keys soon after the delivery.

I got Vampire Hunter D volumes 2-5. Thanks, Santa sis!

I might watch another film tonight since I don't have to cook. Sheryl is cooking Italian chicken, which is usually good. Hopefully she'll do pasta with it and not mash potatoes. Her potatoes suck because she doesn't wash 'em after peeling, effectively boiling 'em in their dirt.

How was your Halloween?


Cold Head.

I went out and about today. Did some shopping, got a haircut and such. I went from having long and curly hair to rather short hair in about half an hour. It was so long and thick that it literally took half an hour to cut. The guy who cut my hair looked and sounded like George Tekai, only a little more flamboyant. The stepdad asked me to go first so one of the girls would cut his hair instead, which was pretty comical. He isn't exactly kosher with us gay folk, so the look of suffering on his face would have been priceless. At any rate, the guy did a great job on my usually unmanageable hair. He even took the time to trim it so it was pretty much even, which none of the other hairdressers do. Ill likely pick him the next time I get it cut.

The sis got back in contact recently. For some reason she wanted to buy me some books. So, after much debate, I eventually caved and gave her a list. I should receive volumes 2, 3 and 4 of Vampire Hunter D in a week or so. I'm not too fond of been indebted to her, but she did nag for five days and I can always pay her back with food. *Shrugs.* Apparently she can't find anybody who cooks as well as I can in England. She also said that their teeth are terrible, which is funny coming from a British girl with horrible teeth.

I'm saving up cash for Christmas gifts. So far I have enough for 1/4th of 'em. With any luck ill have enough by the end of next month, buy 'em really early in December and avoid the hustle and bustle of crazed Christmas shoppers. Wish me luck~


Mostly Healed.

My weekend was terrible. I came down with a stomach virus on Saturday night and ended up spewing from both sides of the coin for six hours. To make things worse, I eat some habanero laced food two hours before it started. I was almost reduced to tears due to the pepper spray effect it created behind my nose. I was unable to eat anything for 24 hours. I was barely able to drink, too. And once that day of hell was over, I was only able to keep down a couple of crackers and a small steak.

It's been nearly 48 hours since this attack upon my body by malicious bacterium commenced and I'm almost completely healed. Rich foods seem to make me feel sickly so ill likely eat some cereal tonight.


Tagged Yet Again.

Rule #1: If you open this you take it. Rule #2: You are NOT ALLOWED to explain ANYTHING unless someone messages you and asks. Rule #3: Tag 10 people Answer Yes or No. Q: Kissed someone on your friends ...

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Painter's High.

I'm alive! Though my head is pounding. You see, I finally painted my room yesterday. The roller I had didn't work so I had to do the whole room with a two inch brush. It took me four hours to finish and all those fumes have taken a tole on me.

That's high gloss, professional grade white there. You can write on it with marker and just wipe it off. Needless to say the fumes really bent me over the kitchen sink. I feel like I have a hangover that won't quit. Not to mention I slept on the couch, which hurt my hip, which is one of my more sensitive spots.

I might paint the frames of the doors black. It would really add to the contrast?

As you can see, my walls are barren. So, starting now, I'm open to all suggestions as to what I should put upon 'em. I'm open to all ideas, give me what you've got.
