Painter's High.

I'm alive! Though my head is pounding. You see, I finally painted my room yesterday. The roller I had didn't work so I had to do the whole room with a two inch brush. It took me four hours to finish and all those fumes have taken a tole on me.

That's high gloss, professional grade white there. You can write on it with marker and just wipe it off. Needless to say the fumes really bent me over the kitchen sink. I feel like I have a hangover that won't quit. Not to mention I slept on the couch, which hurt my hip, which is one of my more sensitive spots.

I might paint the frames of the doors black. It would really add to the contrast?

As you can see, my walls are barren. So, starting now, I'm open to all suggestions as to what I should put upon 'em. I'm open to all ideas, give me what you've got.

