This world was created for me to post my ideas and thoughts.

*Name: Michele
*Age: 21
*Birth day: 11/7/1988
*Graduation: College - 2nd year
*Gender: female
*Hair/Eyes: well, I am Asian like - so staight black/dark brown.
*Blood type: as sayed before I'm Asian like - B +
*Status: single
*YouTube account: TantyoNishikigoi
*FUTURE PSN: TantyoNishikigoi
*Twitter: TantyoKoi
*Likes: manga, anime, music, games, funny videos from YouTube, friends, my dog.
*Pet: Dog (yorshire - Mel - 11 years old).
*Dislikes: Dubbled anime, greed, rudeness.
*Music: Games soundtrack, anime soundtrack, rock, folk and punk.
*Favorites bands: Kodo, Yoshida Brothers and SOAD
*Country and State: Brazil - São Paulo
*Favorites places: Japanese dictrict in São Paulo, my cousin's apartament in Rio de Janeiro and my friend's house in Angra dos Reis.
*Favorite Sports: Surf, Tennis, Running and Volley Ball. I kinda like soccer but I'm not a very good player.
*Favorite Subject: all that I can do on the lab, I really enjoy seen and making things.
*Favorite Anime Characters: Yuko [xXx-holic], Ed [FMA], L [Death Note], George [Paradise Kiss]
*Favorite Vocaloids: I love them all!
*Favorite Games Character: Link [Legend of Zelda], Okami [Okami], Rita [Tales of Vesperia], Gallon [DarkStalkers], Fortituto [Bayonetta], Midna [Legend of Zelda], Prince [Prince of Persia], Altaïr [Assassin's Creed], Leonardo [Assassin's Creed II], Ezio [Assassin's Creed II]
*Favorite Colors: red, black, purple, dark blue.
*Hobbies: Drawing, playing video-games, watching anime/movies.
*Favorite Food: Chop Suey, Japanese Food, Vegetarian Food, Indian Food [Dishes from India are awesome and vegetarian], Korean Food [is simply: grill your favorite vegetables with fish, butter and soy souce - I do this when I have no time to cook].
*Favorite Drink: Indian Chai [with milk], Capuccino, grape juice, pineapple with mint juice.

Vacation and manga

Hmmm, I was talking other day with my friend on MSN, and she told me that she really wanna see a manga that Zelda saves Link...I don't have no idea how I gonna do the begining of the story, and what will happen, but I want to adopt this idea for my new manga and dedicate it for her :-*.

I'm thiking about it...I'll start writing the story soon....let's se what my insane imagination will creat....(¬¬).
