Crescendo-ing Monday

For once, the title isn't just random. XDDD It ACTUALLY tells a little bit about today. For my lovely little subscribers that are confuzzled by music terms, it's when the volume of the music gradually increases.~

SO I WOKE UP, and Elenor Rigby by THE BEATLES was playing! And in the background my mom was yelling at my sister as usual. So after getting dressed and such, I walk happily down to the bus~ And about halfway there, my stomach starts to hurt. It was pretty weird, cause when I got back onto the bus, it didn't hurt anymore. So on the bus I just kinda sat there daydreaming out the window while listening to Zan and Kuroyume on repeat. At one point I thought that Kyo was singing "upside down"...... Yeah, I'm losing it. Engrish was uneventful, kinda. We took a test, and I forgot to do an outline on some bloke-nurse-lady. >3> She's too obscure. In math we measured the circumference of our heads at our foreheads, near the eyebrow. Mine was 58 cm~ It was also thundering a lot, and eventually it hailed. We then started talking a little bit about Music = life pins. (I barely said a syllable because I was on a Maha strike for today~) Eventually that shifted into looking at expressions in the math and Spanish book. It was so lulzy. I had band third hour instead of fifth, so I played with everyone else who was in band that hour. Me and Jackson talked a little.

So then we had lunch. I did some Spanish and Science homework, same as usual. In science, nothing happened. At all. e3e In fifth hour, I had history, and we took a test and read. We also corrected it, and me and Abby S talked A LOT to each other. She's quite friendly for someone so popular. o3o So then I trekked my way downstairs into the vile basement for Spanish. Me and Conner messed around with a cube-easer-thingy, and I drew Molo.~~ On the bus home I was done with the Maha streak, so I talked to Lin and Brandyn, but something still On the way home, Autism was the main song. e3e;

