Welcome to my world!~ To start things off, a few things about me!~ :D

Name: Xenesis Marie Anotinette Abdul Zabeeb
Age: 1,313
Sex: Guess :P
dA: Xenesis13~~
Gaia: Ai-Reita-kun
Twitter: GilbertASDF
Tumblr: Xenesis13~

-I can't speak any other language except English.......(Though I'm working on Japanese >w< So far I can read most hiragana, and a few kanji...)
Recent quote(s) that I love :
And I have a minor case of Achluophobia/Nyctophobia, which is fear of the dark.
Current Theme Song: ???

-Fav Bands: Dir en grey~, My Chemical Romance, The GazettE, Mindless Self Indulgence, D=Out (Dauto), Miyavi, Malice Mizer, X Japan,LeATHERMØUTH, the Misfits <3, UnsraW,
Skrillex and on rare occasions, Gackt (CLICK TEH LINKS IF YOU DARE)

-Anime/Manga: DEATH NOTE, InuYasha, Full Metal Alchemist, Ouran High School Host Club, Naruto o-e;;, Bakuman, Hikaru No Go, Hetalia: Axis Powers/World Series, Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann, Guilty Crown, and that's it |D

-Hates: DESU DESU YO, centipedes, saying the "s" in Illinois, iTunes, Gackt (sometimes), repetition, lectures, Illinois, boredom, politics, people only liking Invader Zim for Gir; "OMG GIR'S SO KAWAII DESU DESU!!!!1!!!@ONE!", Jersey Shore, fears of spider/bees/wasps unless you're allergic, time zones, not being able to help a friend, when bands I love disband, being depressed

- VGs: Kingdom Hearts, Batman, Pokemon: SS, The Sims2, Final Fantasy IV, Pokemon: Diamond, Pokemon: Black, Pokemon: Emerald, Pokeymanz: FireRed, Assassin's Creed

An award-winning piece of literature.

It was done in about fifty minutes in History class. I think I spent about...30 on it? XDD Ten min planning it. The point was to find a way to insert all the different Departments of schtuff in there. See how many you can find. B)

Once there was a man named Frank. He was a farmer that grew soy beans, and sold them at a regular price. He had the first energy-efficient farming equipment in the world. But all was not peaceful. Other nations were out to get Frank and his equipment, so the Secret Service had to protect him from threats, and neutralize any that appeared.

As Frank was driving his Ford truck down the Federal highway, he ran out of gas, and was conveniently near a gas station. After he filled up the gas tank, he saw some sickly people. He took a crate from the back of his truck, gave it to the sick people, and drove off. When the opened the USDA approved crate, the saw tons of soy beans. After eating a few, they became significantly healthier.

Frank soon stopped at a port to deliver his soy beans, when he saw something he recognized. His energy efficient tractor was being stolen by Steve, an evil Secret Service agent.

Steve was formerly a tour guide at Yellowstone National Park when he quit, and became an agent. As Steve drove the tractor into a giant crate, Frank yelled and used the amazing running skills he acquired from P.E. to sprint after his tractor.

Once he slowed to a halt, Steve jumped down from the tractor, and faced Frank, but Steve was no match for Frank. Frank was a Veteran from the Vietnam War, and although he had tons of benefits, living as a farmer kept him healthy and fit.

After a grueling match of tae kwon do where Frank on, Steve was sent to prison, and Frank drove back to his farm on another Federal highway, tractor in tow.

And yes, I did get a good grade on it. B)
