July 15th, 2004

Today we Start Rehearsals. I was so excited! I got my mother to look over the script, she thought it was a little mature for my age, but amazing. She always had confidence in me. My dad never came home last night, we were a little worried. I figured he assaulted a bar tender or something, because this morning we received a phone call from the police department. All I know is that he won’t be out for a while.
Natalie called me at midnight, like usual. She asked if she could come watch rehearsals, Of course I said yes. I Think it would be good for the cast to have a bit of an audience, it was good for me, too.
We walked into the auditorium they set up for us. There was a large collection of costumes and props left out for us. Lucy and Dianne were waiting on the stage, I Saw Dianne reach over to Lucy for a kiss. Of course, Natalie had to ruin the Girls’ moment, “You two Practicing?” She called from the other end of the auditorium. The two looked over immediately. I Elbowed her and whispered “I Think they’re really in love.”
“Sorry!” She yelled again.
“Me Too. Guys, this is my girlfriend Natalie.” I put my arm around her waist, “She’s going to be our audience for today. I also gave her a copy of the script when we went out earlier.” I explained.
“And May I say I think its brilliant.” Natalie kissed my ear. “And you two seem so perfect for the parts! You’re… Lucy, right? Playing the saddened heroine Danielle.” She paused, and walked more towards Dianne, “And Your Dianne, playing the naïve Julia. So where’s Mr. Damian?” She turned her head towards me.
“I’m not too sure, actually.”
“I’m Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeere!” Dorian yelled, bursting through the doors. He ran to the stage, about halfway there he tripped on his own feet. We all laughed.
“Him? Really?” Natalie laughed. “Somehow I can’t see him as a manipulative rapist.”
“Just wait, I Actually made her cover herself.” Dorian Laughed, recalling what I said last night.
“Alright! What do you guys say to getting started?” I said loudly. I was having a lot of fun, I felt professional. “Lets start off with working on dialogue.”
The Chemistries on stage blew me away, everybody seemed all too perfect for their parts. Natalie seemed to enjoy it a lot, She was actually crying by the end of it, At the last few words, “I’m Here, Julia. I’m right where you left me.”
“Brilliant!” She exclaimed after our run-through of the whole thing. “God, Mercy! How do you write something like that?” she still had tears in her eyes. I laughed shyly and shrugged my shoulders. We had been practicing since ten AM, and it was now three PM, so we decided to take a break. Natalie ran out to get some warm drinks for us, and I went down the street with the rest of them to get something to eat for the local bakery.
“Yeah, so you guys are sure about this? You’re not Nervous or anything?” Natalie asked as we ate in the hall beside the auditorium.
“Well, of course we’re nervous. Our places in our contest depend on Friday’s performance.” Lucy sighed. “Actually, for me a lot more depends on it. My parents are