Hello and welcome to my Writers Page & Sketchbook. Obviously I'm going to post my stories, poems and art sketches here :3 Enjoy you're stay :P


Wanted to capture a certain mood so it aint really finished :3

Had introduction week with my uni (full with fun activities) it was awesome and so much funn! <3 But sooo tired and busy at the moment. Hugs!

Welcome & First Poem

Hellooo <3

Made a world to post sketches and writings! <3
6 years ago I hated writing poetry (and trust me, I don't usually don't hate things/few things i truly hate) and suddenly 3 years ago I started writing. It was fun. Here is one of my very first poems (called losing and written in 2008) and feedback is more than welcomed ;D

Leaping for the next step
trying to overcome
the emptiness

I ache with pain
as I realize
I can’t
keep up

total darkness

I can’t face
I hold inside

I can’t wait
an answer
to pull me out

I take my last step
I miss the
other side
I can’t

I’ve fallen
and taken you
with me
tugging you down
