November 29th :: Female :: Sagittarius

'Ello, and welcome. I'm a girl who is into many things and many fandoms. I draw a lot- art is a big part of my life. I make wallpapers and sometimes cards, though that part is a work in progress. I do also like to write and roleplay on forums. I'm in the U.S., and that's about all you need to know about where I live. *cough*

I have a tumblr, but be warned, it's very messy over there.
I do have a skype, but I'm not giving it out to just anyone. I know, I know, so many people want it. Aren't I just so famous and loved by everyone? *dramatic hair flip*

Anyway, this is a world where I post stuff and things. Yaaay. Have fun.

It's August! Yay!

o.o i should really get some art up

jeeeeeezzzzzz i really need to get some more art up i only have one pic up...and i posted that awhile ago...WHY ISNT ANYONE COMMENTING ON MY WORLD?! thats so i have put 2 more posts other then the first one up and no ones commented...maybe no one cares anymore? *sniffles* guess its just that i havnt been posting art, i hope anyway, well, ja ne-nya!
