November 29th :: Female :: Sagittarius

'Ello, and welcome. I'm a girl who is into many things and many fandoms. I draw a lot- art is a big part of my life. I make wallpapers and sometimes cards, though that part is a work in progress. I do also like to write and roleplay on forums. I'm in the U.S., and that's about all you need to know about where I live. *cough*

I have a tumblr, but be warned, it's very messy over there.
I do have a skype, but I'm not giving it out to just anyone. I know, I know, so many people want it. Aren't I just so famous and loved by everyone? *dramatic hair flip*

Anyway, this is a world where I post stuff and things. Yaaay. Have fun.

It's August! Yay!

Kyoukai no Kanata

So, guys, I've started watching KnK. I'm only on episode three, sadly, but so far I really love it. I'm definitely gonna watch more and keep watching it as it updates. I'm really looking forward to all the plot twists and character development that I can feel is going to happen during this series.
Oh, by the way, if anyone is willing and/or wants to, I'd love if you peeps suggested some anime/manga to me!

Also, I think I'm gonna make a wallpaper today. Probably something to do with Free! or SnK or something, hah. Speaking of wallpapers, my iPhone/iPod wallie got accepted! I'm happy =u=


Finally made an iPhone/iPod wallie. Sent it in to be accepted, hope it is! Been a while since I actually had to worry about that, hah.

But anyway, I'm so friggin tired right now. I think I might just go to bed. Actually, yeah, that sounds like a good idea.

Excited for World of Warcraft's Expansion

So I started a diet yesterday-ish and today-ish. I couldn't really do that amazingly well because I didn't have much diet stuff stocked up, but luckily my mom and dad had to run into town anyway, so I asked them to pick up some things. Tomorrow, I'm going to be able to do a lot better and I'm definitely going to try a lot harder. I think I've already lost two pounds, and if I can keep this up I think it'll really do a lot of good for me.

But anyway, enough about that. I'm really excited for World of Warcraft's new expansion. I know it's only gonna be out next year, but I know it's gonna be a really good xpack. Definitely a new sort of concept, and the new character models are going to be amazing. Plus there's gonna be the garrison thing and all kinds of stuff and just aijwoiufgaiuwhdaoihgua

I'm also excited for the 50th anniversary of Doctor Who. Friggin 10 and 11 are gonna be together, and they're gonna be the best brotp. *claps hands* And then there's even Thor 2 and Ender's Game and and and.

I'll stop rambling now, here's some music to listen to.

Been a while, guys.

Heyyooo, everyone.
It's really been quite a while since I've been on here. I think I might try and update everything and try to be a little bit more active, but I can't really promise anything because as everyone probably knows by now, I have a serious habit of saying I'll be more active and disappearing. Sheesh~ I do that a lot.

But yeah, kind of wondering who is on here anymore and whose moved on to other sites? It'd be great to get back in touch with everyone again, especially seeing as I've matured. I actually went and looked back at my other posts- It's astounding how immature I was, hah. =-=
Also good to know, I suppose, that I actually matured past that stage.

Anyway, yeah. I may or may not be back, and if any of you guys that I talked to before are still on here, I'd love to talk! Don't be afraid to comment or private message me. c:

Have some music, guys.