Been a while, guys.

Heyyooo, everyone.
It's really been quite a while since I've been on here. I think I might try and update everything and try to be a little bit more active, but I can't really promise anything because as everyone probably knows by now, I have a serious habit of saying I'll be more active and disappearing. Sheesh~ I do that a lot.

But yeah, kind of wondering who is on here anymore and whose moved on to other sites? It'd be great to get back in touch with everyone again, especially seeing as I've matured. I actually went and looked back at my other posts- It's astounding how immature I was, hah. =-=
Also good to know, I suppose, that I actually matured past that stage.

Anyway, yeah. I may or may not be back, and if any of you guys that I talked to before are still on here, I'd love to talk! Don't be afraid to comment or private message me. c:

Have some music, guys.
