Gathering dust...

I don't respond to a lot of my comments...sorry. I love them and am so grateful to receive them, but I usually only respond when I have something interesting to say. :/
So sorry if I offended anyone with this habit of mine. ;___;

This place really is like family.

When I first joined theO way back in the day, it was a kind of secondary audience to supplement my dA account.

Now I've pretty much abandoned dA and I'm posting mainly here and on tumblr. Looking back, dA had such a caustic atmosphere and it felt like everyone was always trolling or on the defensive. TheO is a much smaller website, but everyone here really is tremendously friendly.

Almost all of the comments I receive (maybe all of them?) are thought-out and heartwarming and totally make my day. As opposed to the "lol"'s and "omg"'s and ":P"'s that I was getting on dA.

tl;dr love you guys. :)
