Gathering dust...

I don't respond to a lot of my comments...sorry. I love them and am so grateful to receive them, but I usually only respond when I have something interesting to say. :/
So sorry if I offended anyone with this habit of mine. ;___;

Posting art

I've always been really self-conscious about art that I post online, and I'm a bit of a perfectionist.

But now that I think of it, if no one sees your mistakes then no one will see you improve.

I think my new rule of thumb for posting art is this: If I'm proud of it, then it's okay if I made some mistakes on the way. I've been drawing for a really long time and I guess I can say that there are artists on theO who look up to me (it's so embarrassing to write that o////o) so I think it's a good thing to show that everyone makes mistakes sometimes, and no artist is perfect.

A lot of people only post the best of their art, which, while very nice to look at, can be deceptive. For every good piece, there's a hundred ugly messed up sketches that it took to get there.

Haven't updated in years and years~

Well, I made a Tegaki account, after years of not-so-persistent badgering from my friend. Ahh, I'll probably be procrastinating with it. ;____;
Here it is!


Also: since I'm going to be doing college apps next year (;lajfdlk;sjafkls;dnooooo), I really want to stand out amongst the other 4.99939258023 GPA people.

So, I'm taking advantage of both my nerdiness and (hopefully) artistic abilities.

Starting this weekend, I'm going to be making a series of paintings or drawings based on works of classical literature. This is to promote interest in the classics in our teenage generation, since those books have really shaped our society and their messages still apply to us. Reading them should be more than just something that we're forced to do at school.

I have some connections at the city library, so hopefully these works will be displayed. Although I can't really describe it, I want these drawings to be something more than just illustrations, but to express something deeper about the literature.

Anyhow, I've made a sort of list of what books I'll be working with:
-Wuthering Heights, by Emily Bronte
-Crime and Punishment, by Fyodor Dostoevsky
-The Great Gatsby, by F. Scott Fitzgerald
-In Cold Blood, by Truman Capote

-Lord of the Flies (William Golding), Fahrenheit 451 (Ray Bradbury), Brave New World (Aldous Huxley), The Stranger (Albert Camus), The Picture of Dorian Gray (Oscar Wilde)

-Lolita(Vladimir Nabokov), Waiting for Godot(Samuel Beckett), Catch 22(Joseph Heller), The Phantom of the Opera(Gaston Leroux), All Quiet on the Western Front (Erich Maria Remarque), maybe something Hemingway, something Shakespeare that isn't too overdone (like Julius Caesar?), Dracula(Bram Stoker), Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde(Robert Louis Stevenson), A Clockwork Orange (Anthony Burgess), As I Lay Dying(William Faulkner)

Is there anything on this list, or perhaps a new suggestion, that you would really like to see?

I'd really appreciate your input and I'll be posting these online, too.

Thanks everyone!

News about my art stuff.

Seeing as it'll probably be a while until I have access to a scanner OR photoshop, I'm uploading some of my drawings as photos.
They're pretty low quality with little/no editing, but I'll post up some scanned version as soon as I can. <3
Thanks for your support, guys.

Meanwhile, I am

Me: WHYYYY----?? D:
MS Paint: KUFUFUFUFU!! Back so soon?? <333
Me: N-NO!!
