HELLO ALL MY PEOPLE!!!!! WELCOME TO THE GREATEST AND MOST #%!? CRAZIEST PLACE YOU WILL EVER VISIT!!! The crazy part is it come from my thoughts. Yeah, if you knew me well enough, you would probably be scared just to enter this mysterious maze I call a mind. This is really just to talk about anything weird, crazy, stupid, unrealistic, problematic, and just about anything else your mind can come up with. I will try to post regularly to boggle your minds in amazement. If your not satisfied with my discussions, then be a man/woman (or both just in case) and leave before I Hadoken you right outta here! For anybody who doesn't know me, the name is Donny. I am a guy. I love to play sports and workout and I think I have a good head on my shoulders (I changed my last thing because it made me sound like I was being self centered which I'm not :P). I also have a love for anime. Also, I'm not gay (just in case people ask). Those are all the basic details you need to know for now. I warn you! BE PREPARED!!!!!!

Name: Donny
Nicknames: Snake, Donkey Kong, Donald Duck, D-Fuzzy Lumps, Florida(Originally from Florida
Age: 22
Country/ State: USA, South Carolina (Unfortunately :()
Ability: Control over Fire (Can't beat Natsu or Roy Mustang )
Favorite Anime: Cowboy Bebop, Yu Yu Hakusho, Bleach, Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann, Death Note, FLCL, Dead Leaves, Ghost In The Shell, Karas, Straight Jacket
Favorite Manga: Berserk (all time favorite), Bleach, Zombie Powder, Fairy Tail, Gurren Lagann, Death Note

Deviant Art:



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Here's the prize I won. Whoopdidooo! It just means I'm 1337.(Means l33t, leet, or elite for those of you nubs who don't know)


HELLLLLL YEAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!! I won the first round of the Street Fighter IV Tournament!!!! WOOHOOOO!! I was also undefeated too. I didn't lose one fight! I won a head band and some sweat bands but IT WAS FREAKIN AWESOME!!!! I wish I had a video of it. Oh well. I was Ryu every round and I kicked some major ass!! They gave me the nickname of 'Lucky Number 7' cause my number was 7. Either that or they called me 'Sleven' for some reason. Now, on to Round 2 of the Tournament on March, 28 USA time. If anyone wants to battle me on PS3, my name is BanisherD. I need the practice. I will fight for all my friends and all the great people of the Otaku! You all we be in my heart as I battle for victory!

My victory certificate. It allows me to go on to Round 2.
