What is the Watercooler?

It's a haven in the middle of a harsh, 9-to-5 world. A place where you can gather with your fellow human beings and bond over a paper cup full of cool refreshment.

All sorts of randomness is welcome here. Post pictures, videos, special Chat information, or just discuss news and current events.

Want to be a guest poster? PM TimeChaser.

Banner by Red Tigress

theOtaku.com Podcast: VV, Episode 4 is Up!

The new episode of the Posdcast is now available.

If you feel the need to spam, you can do so right here


Live from Radio City Music Hall...

After rewatching the documentary chronicling their career, I've been on a major Dream Theater kick, especially for their early albums.

Here for your aural and visual pleasure is one of the band's classic epic tracks: Metropolis, Part 1: The Miracle & The Sleeper. This clip is taken from the final performance of their 20th anniversary tour, recorded at Radio City Music Hall on April 1, 2006, accompanied by the Octavarium Orchestra.

*A note to those who don't like lengthy songs: this clocks in at 10:07*


Having trouble finding contests?

The Contest World shows contests held by our members. It gives us information about a contest such as the deadline, a short description, which fandom, contest held by and a link for more information. This way it is easier for you to find contests and for a contest holder to spread the word and get more entries.

The Contest World is currently holding a contest to feature that world to attract more attention. All you have to do is make an entry with the Contest world’s name in it and add and add a link to the world in your description. It can be any fandom: Fan art, Fan word, Wallpaper, E-card or Fan comics. The deadline is May the 5th.

The Contest World has been created by just.me and it has been created with a different username – contests - so you do not have to worry about unwanted fanwork updates ;P

Interested in the contest world? Click here visit the world
Interested in the Contest for the Contests World? Click here to for more information


Musical Curiosity

My turn to ask some questions, this time related to music since it's one of my major obsessions.

1) What kinds of music did you listen to growing up? Were you influenced by family and friends?

2) What was your musical evolution? Did your tastes change as you got older?

3) What is the first album you bought for yourself, and in what format (cassette/vinyl/CD/download)?

4) What is the longest song you've ever listened to?


Ichigo Makes a Statement

So Ichigo is planning to move to Japan this summer and he has release a satement on the future of the both theO podcast and Anime-Pulse and his plans for Japan. It's posted on the Ichigo Fansite.