Having trouble finding contests?

The Contest World shows contests held by our members. It gives us information about a contest such as the deadline, a short description, which fandom, contest held by and a link for more information. This way it is easier for you to find contests and for a contest holder to spread the word and get more entries.

The Contest World is currently holding a contest to feature that world to attract more attention. All you have to do is make an entry with the Contest world’s name in it and add and add a link to the world in your description. It can be any fandom: Fan art, Fan word, Wallpaper, E-card or Fan comics. The deadline is May the 5th.

The Contest World has been created by just.me and it has been created with a different username – contests - so you do not have to worry about unwanted fanwork updates ;P

Interested in the contest world? Click here visit the world
Interested in the Contest for the Contests World? Click here to for more information

