Art by King-Sama

You'd kill yourself for recognition,
kill yourself to never, ever stop
you broke another mirror,
you're turning into something you are not


External Image


(Manga Bullet)

External Image

Help? *cocks head to side*

I am working on this drawing

and I cant figure out what sort of costume to put her in, does anyone have any idea?
once I get a costume figured out I should be able to figure out the hair, if I cant figure out hair then I shall post again
you can also say what you think abuot hair if you have idea's =)
if anyone needs to know her name is Nani
I hope you like what I have so far, and any critisism/idea's/comments would be very helpful


I am L fear me XD
no just kidding
here is the current me
cute right?

Working on this

Here is a image I am working on
I need to know if there is anything you think should change, I really <333 it so I wont change anything drastically, but jsut your thoughts and idea's would really helpp

I hope all of you like it

This pic I am working on...

This is a pic I am working on, I hope all of you like it
I am open right now to requests, art trades, or just idea's
I dont really know what to draw at the moment DX
so any ideas ppl?

Another Avie...

here is another pic I took and cropped out her face, then added the special effects too
I hope you like it
you may use any of the avie's I make they are free to use