A strange virus has been spreading across the small city of Delte. A city know for its strange experiments and mutations. This virus does not affect humans, oh no, it only goes after animals. Most animals have fallen into a deep slumber, nothing able to awaken them. But the strongest of them have had a different reaction. They’ve become human. Well, not completely. They still have some animalistic features, like ears, wings, tails, claws, etc. They’re confused, scared, and alone. And now the humans want to experiment on them, can they escape and find a cure? Or will they be stuck like this forever, while their friends and family sleep, never to awaken?

inufluffy12 - Kita
Cat14 - Spike
kyouyarenge - Kiki
Kratos Cruxis - Lancer Talon
wolfdemonchild9 - Tsuki
lapaperninja - Yume
ecnelisterger - Hellacruz
Hulaberry32 - Taiga Akashiya
stinamuffin - Rylee
BrotherlyLoveHK - Misaki Igarashi

Important info
Point System
Spending Points

inufluffy12 - ><
Cat14 - 180
kyouyarenge - 180
Kratos Cruxis - 200
wolfdemonchild9 - 160
lapaperninja - 220
ecnelisterger - 120
Hulaberry32 - 220
stinamuffin - 240
BrotherlyLoveHK - 100


I know why the caged bird sings..... I know why the caged bird sings.... He sings for all the things That he can no longer have He sings for the things He can no longer have Lancer "Lanc...

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Help is on the way!

I snuck quietly around the building. Those people... they weren't going to get me again! Even if they do have yarn... and fish... and cat nip... NO! They have needles! And medicine!... and treats... NU! They hurt me! I've gotta get out of here!

Wiping a bit of drool from my mouth, I walked quietly around the corner.

"There she is!" said a voice in front of me.

"C'mere! C'mere, Kiki! Look what I have!" said a lady, holding out a very delicious looking platter of chicken. I started to walk over, then stopped. "C'mon Kiki! You want some chicken?" her smile became even more fake. I shook my head.

"No! I... I wanna go!" I shouted. "I want... I want... I WANT MY DADDY!" I started breaking down and crying.

"Oh... It's okay Kiki, come here!" She said, holding out her arms and walking over to give me a hug. It was then I saw the glint of the needle in her hand.

"NO!" I screamed. Biting the wrist she had her needle in, she let out a cry, and dropped the shiny object. The man that was with her went to grab me, but I scratched his face.

"AH! OW, dammit!" he said, covering his face. I watched him press a button on his watch, calling for back up. With wide eyes, I ran toward what I hoped was the way out.

On the way, I noticed a girl caught by some other guys. They were about to stick her with a needle. Her orangey-brown hair and weird smell told me she was a fox. Should I help her? I never did like dogs... but I couldn't leave someone like me trapped here!

Running over, I bit the arm of the guy with the needle. "OW! What the... get her off me!" he said. The difference between this guy and the lady was that this one didn't drop the needle. As he attempted to stab me with it, I released his arm and crunched down on the needle in his hand. The funny tasting liquid flowed into my mouth, and a little made it down my throat.

Looking over, the other guy was fumbling with the fox girl.

"Duck!" I called at the girl. Looking at me, she quickly reacted, as I kicked the guy hard in the face. He fell back, releasing the girl, with quite the nose bleed. Probably broken.

The girl looked rather stunned, but I grabbed her hand. "C'mon! Let's go!" she ran after me, wiping away some tears.


Hope that's okay! ^_^ Kitty to the rescue! x3

Let's get started!

~Kita~ Mama? Papa? Tira? Wake up! Why won’t anyone wake up? What’s happened to me? Mama, I’m scared! Oh you poor thing. Look at you, walking around naked. Come inside, I’ll give you something to e...

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stinamuffin's character: Rylee

Name: Rylee Age: ((human years)): 18 Gender: Female Species: Bobcat Hair: grayish brown with black highlights. Hair Length and Style: uhm, im gonna have to draw a picture. Her hair is styled kinda like the bobcat's fu...

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Hulaberry32's character: Taiga Akashiya

Name: Taiga Akashiya Age: 17 Gender: Female Species: Bengal Tiger Hair: Light Brown with black highlights throughout. The roots of her hair are black. Hair Length and Style: Waist-length and wavy with choppy ban...

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