.:::*>Welcome to a world for vocaloid lovers<*::::.

If you are not one I advise you to leave now because this world is not for you.
If you ARE one, welcome and enjoy your stay!

yes I know rules suck U_U;, but they are needed.

*1:This IS a PG13 site; if you want to post something not PG13 post it on YOUR world NOT here!

*2:DO NOT BASH OTHER CHARACTERS OR THE SONGS! Truthfully I love all Vocaloids; and of course I have favorites, bashing characters is rude and hurtful to there fans. That goes for there songs as well. If you have some you hate KEEP IT TO YOURSELF!

*3:You are allowed to post pictures of Vocaloids here (even OC's) but once agian PG 13 site; PG 13 rule. That means no extremly sexual, violent, gorey, of offencive pictures. Once agian if you want to post them use you own world ^^;.

*4:Have fun making sure to follow these rules ;XD!<---I know I'm a downer =_=;.

♫♪Guest Posters:♪♫
Airo Rokkuhauto
Mitsune Amai
Romanos Vixen
Sara Jones
If you want to be a guest poster comment; or pm me!, I'll be more then happy to add you ^^.

Nice smoothing sound

Oh wow.. it has been a while since I posted here. I am sorry about that. But for the change, here is a relaxing and short song from Hatsune Miku. Plus she is an nice costume there from the concert, so enjoy~!

External Image
The true original picture of her
