Somewhat good news!

So last night I had my laptop taken away for a few hours. Then I got it back. Apparently my dad has a sense of sympathy.

Oh, thats great news indeed! But, notice I said 'somewhat'. And thats because all that I hope for has not been brought forth. I'm still facing the same problems under this roof where I live. Therefore, I shall finally take some action and do something about it. Solution? Move out. I'm gonna give myself a little challenge here. Before August 31st, which is my 20th birthday, I plan to have my eyes set upon a place that seems likely for me to move into. If not, well, its only a matter of time.

Speaking of challenges, I still have that challenge going. You know, the one where you get to 'spam' my guestbook until I recieve 100 signatures. Im only up to 72. Theres more details on that just a few posts back. :b

So yah, take care now.

P.s. IM STILL ALIVE! Absolutely shocking.
