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New "Full" Moon Cakes!

Have you seen the traditional chinese moon cakes???
Well, with the Mid-autumn festival just a few days away, bakers in Hong Kong were inspired to make this “full moon” cake.

The Mid-Autumn Festival is held on the 15th day of the eighth month in the Chinese calendar, which is usually around late September or early October in the Gregorian calendar. It is a date that parallels the autumn and spring Equinoxes of the solar calendar, when the moon is supposedly at its fullest and roundest. The traditional food of this festival is the mooncake, of which there are many different varieties.


my trial for SAI paint is over Q.Q and i still cant find my disk for corel panters >.< RAWRRRRRR guess i wont be submitting art work for a while :(


Ok...so remember when I told u guys tht i broke up with this one guy a long time ago and he threatened to kill himself if I didn't stay with him? Well he disappeared a while back and now I've found him. He's in a hospital in texas. He cant walk and he lost his right eye...from wat idk. My source couldnt give me much info cuz he refused to talk to anyone. She's begging me to go back with him and stay with him. I can't do that though cuz i don't love him. I feel horrible about leaving him but on the other hand he was a jerk to me and he's like uber emo.... I really dunno wat to do. I cant be happy with him at the same time i dont want him to suffer....


my new fan art!!!! kawaii!!!