Hey ppl! This world is all about asia from music to jokes. ESPECIALLY JOKES!!!!!! So keep up with the latest asian humor, music, and fashion

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my new fan art!!!! kawaii!!!

New art


Gankutsuou and 10 Reasons y there will not be a Chinese president soon

Gankutsuo the Count of Monte Cristo is a new anime tht i recently got into. It's brilliant and super cynical lol. Check it out xD

10 Reasons y there wont be a chinese president soon

10. White House not big enough for in-laws

9. Engineering, medicine, and law always preferred over politics

8. Oval Office has bad feng shui

7. Can’t find decent roast duck inside the beltway

6. Secret service can’t handle nagging from mother

5. Dignitaries generally intimidated by chopsticks at state dinners

4. No chance for promotion

3. Lactose intolerance not considered politically correct

2. Senior aides won’t take off shoes before coming in

1. Air Force One: No frequent flyer miles

Also Check out my new fan art! http://www.theotaku.com/fanart/view/310454/taxi

New fan art

I finally got a good paint program to do my fan art xDDDD! There's a new pic up now check it out!!!!!! http://www.theotaku.com/fanart/view/310324/taxi and tell me wacha think!

Confucius says, “Baseball wrong . . . man with four balls cannot walk!”
