Rant: v. to speak or shout at length in a wild impassioned way:
she was still ranting about the unfairness of it all

Twiliwolf is a hotheaded person, she gets frustrated at many things easily though usually wont say anything, letting it out here helps but she will get irritated and it will ruin her day if you leave rude comments. You can disagree, but its probably the one case where she wont beg for comments on the matter.

A deviantart Rant

I know its been a while since I've been on and I know it might not be the best idea to start with a rant but I need to get this out of my system and I'll do my best to be civil about it.


if you're confused let me elaborate:
Bases are a blank figure, doll or drawing ment to be lazy bucket tooled or scribbled on in MS paint.

I'm not nearly as mad at the users of bases as I am the creators of them. All the creators of bases I've seen have said "source me in your piece" demanding that there be a link back to their original base in the creation. The word Original shouldn't even be used here. Anyway what I find amazing about this is 90% of these bases come from Lion King, Balto, *insert anime here*. Do these Base creators ever source the Anime/movie/manga/comic/etc? no. but they DEMAND you source them.
Also i just find it appalling that theres a no stealing law on Deviant art and people get away with this.
People who use bases often say "but I use it to learn!" or "I don't have a tablet!" or "I only have ms paint. Honestly those are crap excuses:
1: tracing is fine when it comes to learning but should NEVER be submitted as your own thing. Its a tool, you don't make an amazing wood carving and submit the chisel or nails do you?
2: you could always use your freaking hands and a pencil maybe?! and if you don't have a scanner use a camera, honestly it works just as good if you do it right.
3: amazing things can be done in MS paint. go on youtube and see. and if you're still not convinced there are tons of open source (free) art programs out there!

Bases are stealing
but they're okay for learning
as long as you don't post them as your own
so don't be a b*tch

Re: Myself

this isn't a rant its a reply to the comments I got on my last rant

You guys are awesome. I just wanna say, I talked to about 3 of my real life friends about how I was feeling. 1 didn't really help because she was already in a bad mood herself. 2 i don't think i should count because he didn't even ask how i was he just talked about himself. and 3 did help but it took a little while. you guys on the other hand (lizinator03, linku-kun, sage of magic, lilyanora, demonkingatticus ) All gave me the best feedback I could use at the time. Seeing as several of you are already in college and could tell me that what i'm feeling is normal. I wanted to reply to each of your comments indavidualy (fuck spelling guys) but I thought that dedicating a post would be better to respond to all of you. you guys made my day and me love you long time. now I have a present for you since you made me so happy. I couldn't decide on one or the other so i decided to do both.

Its a drawing I did and my betta fish, gregorius D. Ironforge. Hope you guys like pretty fishies and fallout. oh and if that isn't enough I'll just share this other image with you:
External Image


~not looking for sympathy or attention, just getting it out. if you don't wanna hear me be emo just scroll down to the pic at the bottom and tell me what you think of that at least :) (written after writing whats below, feeling better now)

I need to rant about myself. things that really piss me off about myself:

1; ambition: I have none. I'm a senior right now in my last semester of high school and failing two of my classes. I have no drive to do homework or work of any kind. but thats just school right? wrong. I have tons of unfinished work at home, comics i want to do, projects, commisions, shows, but all i do is nothing, videogames, stumbleupon and other time wasting things. I have about 30 fancomics on TheOtaku alone that have been gathering dust. I have no drive to finish or work on them. my sketch books are filled with comics that i've never posted online and that are only half done. good thing i like small housing because I doubt i'll ever live in anything bigger then a 1 bedroom 1 bathroom appartment in some shitty neighborhood. I'd be terrible in all the jobs I wanna do. Animation, game design, dog training.
-Animation; no drive, tedious animating that i would fail at because of no ambition
-Game Design; long four year projects. I want to do concept art but i cant even do two paintings for my parents
-Dog training; I love dogs but I get easily annoyed if they are misbehaving and would cave in to them or quit on them.

2: just a loser in general; I have no interests other then videogames, movies, drawing and dogs. I'm terrible at standing up for myself, Its really hard for me to get my frustration out. I tend to give up easily. I've only had two boyfriends, not bad if they had been longer then 3 month relationships. my first boyfriend was out of state and we never kissed more then a peck. My second i was to nervous or scared to go anywehre with and we only held hands once. I don't really like highschool relationships but still, i find it increadably irritating that i can't have had something a little better before college.

thats my rant about myself. how mad I am and how i'm setting myself up for failure. this was my way of getting it out. thanks. while i was coming up with my rant i did a drawing wanna see?

fuck me and my fantasy drawings. they're stupid.

This peeves me....

you don't HAVE to read rants, i'm not forcing you into anything

you have NO IDEA how much this annoys me when people do this. I feel that if you're going to favorite something you can do the artist the courtesy of letting them know WHY you're favoriting it. If you like it enough to put it on your portfolio under Favorites you should have enough to say about it to leave a comment.
I know I've done plenty of comment rants and i'm sorry if its annoying. I admit i may have a bit of an addiction to them but i'm talking about other artists here too. If you're an artist you always want the feedback, and don't you ever get a little annoyed when you post something you're proud of and you think people will love and you get exactly that image above. You all probably agree.
i think there should be an alert on this site that if you click favorite it should pop up and say
"hey! I see you like this work that this artist did! why don't you leave a comment to let them now how much you like it!"
That may be annoying but i feel like its what we need to get feedback. Part of getting better as an artist is getting feedback people!

I want everyone on TheO to at least skim this...

before i start this rant i want you to know that i do dearly love this site, i've been coming here for 3 years and i do like it. There's just one thing that always kind of annoyed me and now i'm going to be bold and say it outloud.
I HATE the lack of Originality I see on TheOtaku

If there is one thing in the world that pisses me off its seeing a portfolio with like 50 gifts, over 150 subscribers and nothing in their gallary but Bleach, Naruto, One Piece choose your poison. It is my firm belief that we should not copy our heroes but instead be simply inspired by them. For instance if you really really like Tite Kubo's style then dont draw ichigo over and over again, study it learn from it, use it to your advantage!

I Love OCs and i especially love Original Manga. I'm not gonna lie, i really dont like fan comics about how if you were a naruto character you would be all dark and brooding and part of the akatsuki and all that crap. I love original comics like Murcury's I C DED PPL. If there's one artist I really miss its Murcury, I rarely ever saw a fan art off them.

I know this rant wont change much, Hell i don't want it to I meerly want my rant to reach people on the site and say "please dont copy your heroes, be inspired by them"

thanks for reading...

*Edit 1/13/11:
I now understand that this is a Fan Art site and that that means most art will be fan art. I also have come to realize that for budding artists fan art is really useful, even the bane of originality Tracing is great for beginners. I just don't like seeing the artists with a lot of talent wasting time on naruto when they could be drawing their own original stuff that I KNOW they have the capacity to do.