Of blob people, songs, poetry, and life

Okay I know. The title was really random. I'm in a strangly good mood. I truly do not understand it. But that's not important.

Okay so, I have actually been writing songs and poetry a lot lately. So far, they are all turning out really well. I have also been drawing. Blob people and normal anime stuff. My style keeps changing. TT^TT I can't make up my mind. Oh, and I like drawing tattoo designs, too.

So as for life...

Well I'm still alive. BWAHAHA! Ahem. I'm still waiting on Tyler with his promise, but I won't get my hopes up. I'm getting to know someone else right now. I met him just last Saturday at a friend's b-day party, and we are friends on Facebook now. He is only younger than me by a years... O.o TT^TT I'm a cradle-robber...Anyway. I am having trouble typing this. I recently put on some UBER long false nails for the hell of it, and painted the suckers black. X3 yippee! So the clothing style and makeup and hair of mine keeps changing. Some days I wear very little makeup, some days none, some days I look purely emotastical. HAHA. Funny made up word. I haz poked it. >_< And I like so many different styles of music right now that it is ridiculous. Namely the screamo techno mixes, and P!NK. Her new songs, that is. Especially the songs Ave Mary A and I Don't Believe You. I'm also learning how to sing some songs by Shakira in spanish. So fun, yet so difficult. Some of the lyrics must be said SO FAST! I just can't keep up!

So school. I'm getting my grades up, steady as she goes. But they are rising. Yay! I'll get my darling iPOD, Seizan, back soon! Yeah, I named him. Weird, I know. And yes, my iPOD is a boy. XD lolz. And once I get my grades up, me and my best friend are gonna hang out. We are both looking forward to it, because when there are no guys around to bother us, we have SO MUCH FUN!

I'm really wishing I could post some art here or on deviant...but I can't right now, so please bear with me. I honestly don't know when I will update my art. I'm sad about it. Because my art has gotten so pretty. I am thinking of drawing one of my characters, Lawlee, again. I made her while I was listening to Gothic Lolita by Emilie Autumn. Such a lovely song. X3 X3 X3

Well well. I don't know why I'm still typing this post. I think I'm bored. Also, I wanted to inform people, I have been making videos using still images from anime and some music I have. I made a dirty one for shits and giggles the other day. Heh heh. And I also made a cutesy one. I will try to put them up somewhere so people can view them, and then I will provide a link to the videos on here, alrighty? If anyone wants to see them. ^^

Alrighty, well, I'd better wrap this up. I want to surf the net with my free time. So fun. And I need to look up some strategies for Halo and my family just bought it yesterday and have been playing it, but with a great deal of trouble. >.> Irritation. Yes, I speak my emotions. O.o

I'll try to update more often, and maybe post some poetry & songs in a while. Bye bye for now~<3!


P.S. I am dying to see the new Alice in Wonderland... TT^TT Damn it all to hell...

Information and stuff.

Okay, people, for the record, I hope everyone truly realizes that my name is not really Tsumi, and that Tsumi is merely my internet alias...well, one of many. I will say that I do have a real name, and that I am quite willing to share it, for it can do no harm to me right now. My name is Arianna. I'm not saying this to sound rude or anything, but I got kind of sick of people always calling me Tsumi. So, I will be signing things as Arianna when I comment or post in my worlds. My artwork will still have my original siggy, though.'s an update. I'm sure it was made clear the date that myself and my first kiss ex got back together...if not, it was on December 15th, and our engagement is going really wonderfully. This must be, by far, the longest relationship I have had. And I plan to keep it that way. Sooo...I know that there is probably no one who actually READS these posts of mine, since you all probably got to see how much of a naive wench I can be, but I will keep posting anyway, because I can, and because it helps me to vent a little. My parents have me on these...tracking sheets for school right sucks. But it seems to be working, because my grades are gradually rising again. Lucky me. I have been drawing a lot of...uh...blob people lately. And listening to a lot of music. I even started dancing without it recently. Amazing...anyway...
P.S. This is me...

new poems

okay, so next time Tsumi gets on at a friend's house, she will submit more poems at her poetry world. She doesn't really have the time for it now, since she is at home and has LOTS of poems that she wrote and only recenly found again. Tsumi has been doing a lot of bike riding, since her mountain bike came through fedex....she loves riding her bike now!!! it has been so long since she rode a bike that it almost feels like I just learned again, but I've still got it, and i can ride with no hands for a little at a time. ^-^ She has had chores, such as working around the house, you know, clean dishes clean room, vacuum, wipe counters, take care of she has been keeping busy, and she also went swimming recently with her friend Asha. It was fun! We are trying to plan a night for a sleepover soon, but right now she is sick. Poor thing! Tsumi calls her daughter, since she accidentally called me mom at school once. Hehe! Yes yes, Tsumi and Asha are very close. ^^ I don't know what I would do without her for a friend. She's so great! She helps me through a lot. Sadly, Tsumi's other friend who was always there, never failed...has moved to Vegas. I might not ever see her again...I miss her already, and regret very much that I hadn't called her not even once after summer started. I didn't get to say goodbye. *sigh* I've been drawing again, also. I need a scanner though... i want to post my art, honest!! I just...can't right now. Asha offered to let me use her scanner, so maybe soon...I just have lots of art. So a lot of it will go to Deviantart, and my deviant art username is: TsUmIwOlFpRiEsTeSs24
so look me up! ^-^ I put more art on there than on here. I've been writing songs again, also. They're pretty hateful, however...and I'm not sure I should post them...I've been feeling spiteful lately. I don't know what is bothering me just yet, but whatever it is, it is affecting how I feel and act. I shouldn't be spiteful at any time, but it is happening now most of all.
I've been checking my stuff whenever I can, so be patient if any of you have things to PM to me...if I don't get back to you right away, I'm busy with life. Yes, i actually have a life now. Hehe. But really, I need everyone to stay patient with me, and bear with me for now. I've been feeling, as I said, spiteful, and a bit down. It has nothing to do with guys, so don't ask about that, gets a little frustrating after a while since it seems like that is always what people assume is wrong with me. I'm not accusing anyone on here that I'm friends with, but I'm rather referring to people in my life outside of theO who assume it a lot.
Not only am I spiteful, but I'm pissed off. Friends that I've told time and time again that I'm grounded from the phone keep on calling. What part of it don't they get? I'm GROUNDED FROM THE DAMN PHONE. I can only call certain ppl, and only when I ask first. I even got the privelage from my mom to use her razr to text my friend Asha. She lets me do that as long as I ask first. But some of my friends I am still grounded from, and I've told them that I can't talk on the phone right now cause I'm grounded, but NO, they don't listen, they continue to call. "Is Tsu there?" "Can Tsu talk?" NO, I can't, take the hint and stop calling. Jeez. It's very aggrivating.
...Tsumi wants some goth lolita outfits. O.o That's another thing. I saw some at Hot Topic...I want them. But I need to wait till I'm at least 18 or something like that. That makes me i've been looking at some outfits that are appropriate for public wear. Ones that my parents would approve of. I sent some suggestions to my mum, so I'm hoping she likes them too.
Tsumi has been getting on Gaia often, she recently set up her playlist, account name is:
so look me up on gaia too, if you get the chance. Anyway, I should end this post, it's probably the longest one I've done by far, and I have to send a message to Kyonkichi cause he keeps sending me Flickr things. (what the friggin hell is Flickr!?!!?! AAARGH!!! WHAT THE F$%~!?!?!?)
bye then.

3 More Days in Paradise...

Over the past 3 weeks, I've been on a tropical island visiting family, and missing my high school sweetheart, Kyonkichi. He is so sweet to me, and we both like each other...but since I've been here, I've missed him so...and now there are only 3 days left for me in paradise. But, I met someone again that I liked the last time I visited. And thus the confusion starts. Therefore my emo corner comes to life yet again...what I had once turned away from to try joy and optimism has again emerged and become my best friend in the world. Tsumi's official emotion song right now is perhaps "Given Up" by LINKIN PARK...pardon her emo-ness, for she cannot resist it any longer as long as her confusion of emotions continues...I merely feel that I should rely on these posts now to update my life, for it is the only way, considering people no longer care enough to visit myOtaku website anymore and see the posts Fear not, those of you who feel close to me as friends and family, for I shan't kill myself without everyone's permission first. Farewell to you all for now, I must attend to my dark corner yet again to ponder my feelings...