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Hi, so I'm Sarah. There's nothing more to it, and I can bet you will never find a nickname for me that will stick, but oh well. I am cursed, haha. I like to make jokes and talk about anime and japan and japanese stuff, face it I'm a japanefile. lol! I'm always serching for some good tunes so if you are really obsessing over something suggest it to me! I used to have a top sexy list but that was demolished when I read too many mangas. lol, I'll just name some of my all time favorite charaters I can rememeber.

♥Light Yagami, Abel Nightroad, Spike Speagle, Hiruma Yoishi, Ren Tsuruga, Ichimaru Gin♥

So feel free to chat with me anytime, I love new friends and dont forget to sign my guestbook and subscribe XD thanks so much, bye bye!

IM me anytime, s/n- Trinityxlight

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Drawing From the Heart

So i drew shamashamallama fer meh friend. I might go to her house on tuesday I hope I can.

I really need to check everything but I dont know if I want to I havnt checked things in a while but its what I must. *sigh*

thanks anyone who is a new subscriber I relle appreciate it!!

I got some life saver fruit tart things at the store becuz they didnt have any good altoids and I couldnt figure out how to open it. Life savers is an idiot company, I mean who would child proof candy?!?! does this make me a child? =D oh well haha.

So I relized my japanese name would be Hime. yah i just relized this. haha Becuz sarah means princess. So theres no meaning fer sarah of corse. so im hime isnt that grand XD i like it.

I started writing a story about mello and a girl named Kyotendoushi Mika, its fer my friend she doesnt like her name so she calls herself mika. its russian fer gods child. But in japanese its jar haha XD anyways she inspired me to do it becuz of an alternet ending shes writing fer meh where i get to minipulate light and we fall in love and hers is about how she works with mello.

oh yah i almost forgot as the title says drawing from ze heart...well i was board and i got some creepy faces out. like i was doodleing but like it was weird so i was thninking about writing another story but itll be all...scary and weird i guess my mine is scary and weird...but not good weird i tell you scary! ahah but im not sure if i want to put any up its not all that good and its very very sketchy.

soo...ive been getting these strange ims tonight is the second night. crap...i forgot what the two different ims were but it was like thay would send -*a8y80yr0 something like that withouht the letters and numbers... yah but its weird im scared i have a stalker. DX no like im relle scared...maybe..well i cant be all that scared my moms always here so im safe =D

oh crap till i start school....sunnava betch ahaha. oh well.

love you all g'night

I have died

Hi all!!
Ill be sure to comment every thing i missed tonight or tomorrow =D Dont worry im still here. But i did die. I didnt want to come here for a while. haha Ive been playing with myyearbook and pretending Im the Bat....the night is mine.

Anyways my friend kenny is moving back here in 2 days im sooo happeh XD i cant wait to see her haha

Amma-sama gave me a panda XD im so happeh. but fucking gifts i cant give one back yet. XC stupid sunnva bitch hah why do we have to wait so long. its not fair!

oh yah i want people to vote on the enterys in meh contest. i cant do this alone. You can vote for three. i think. haha

I hate neopets. very much. my myspace is sexy clicky

uhmm..yah i wrote morre story but i want to delete it. gah. im annoyed with myself haha.

love you all, sarah.


Heyy all.
I hate u.
haha i just said that because i never get a day where i dont have to go through everyone to see what they updated. hah oh well. Im subscribed to too many people thats because i have a lot of subscribers thats becuase i like to comment so this is my fault for having like and ocd. haha XD

Ok so yah as my title sayz hair. oh wait before i get into that i want to talk about Vampire knight!

i friggin love it XD ahh it was sooo good. haha well i only read the first volume but later im soo looking forward to going and reading it on onemanga. and im mad becuase onemanga isnt updating busou renkin and there are alot of those mangas out fer sale gah!! oh well haha

so heres a pic of me so you can see how long my hair was. then my new ones XD

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here is it now XD

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people seem to like this one i relle dunt know why. im so ugly ahha

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Well tonight my best friend wasnt on DX oh well ill talk to her tomorrow. I hope shes well and having fun.

So I am being a little constructive a drew a little luppi wrote a little more story. But i started to new things. stupid me haha. I feel horrible its like i can never get anything done DX

I updated my myspace profile its wootnesicity XD lookie my myspace!

Hmm oh yes i tried to stay up fer 48 hours i didnt even beat my record of 36 hours but oh well. haha i only lasted 30, the chocolate relle helped. Yay candy haha.

Omg i forgot i have doughnuts downstairs. oh yah and im mad! friggin onemanga didnt update bleach XC oh well i cant wait till next week. and what also sucks none of the regular shows on adult swim will be playing tomorrow becuase of the ATHF movie XC

...i wonder how much hair gel anime charaters must use....

anyways i might get a haircut today/tomorrow haha loookie here so yah i cant wait. i might get a tee-shirt and a death note too. or maybe just a death note there pretty expensive. yay and more school supplies XD

so thanks everyone for subscribing to me i have 92. if i reach 100 i swear to you all i will draw something XD and hand it in. lol oh yah that reminds me of school which reminds me i just got my schedual yayz. im soo happeh but depressed to becuase i didnt relle get into anything i wanted. oh well ill call in and say "WTF" lol XD

Well luv ya♥♥

Vampire story

Alright well you all need to tell me what you think becuase i want to like....retype it but if you think its good ill just coninue with what i have again its unedited!

This was the night you have dreaded for the past 4 years. You were ready to take them on. Your plan was to lure them into your house you had your crusifixes and other various traps at the ready. You slipped in between the wall where you made yout hideout. With a wooden stake on a bow at the ready. They were coming and you knew it. One thing you didn't expect to happen, is just what did.

For some reason the temperature started to become unbearable and you were sweating like you had never before. Was it because you were nervous, no. You heard a raging sound of somesort. This is when you relized they had set the house on fire. This would be the only was to get you out. The smoke and heat started to set in and you had to make a quick desicion. You took all the weapons you could and got out of there.

When you were outside the cool air felt good. Suddenly you felt hand touching your body. You violently fought back, becuase of the fire your eyes were still sore. When they came back into focous you were out of weapons. Standing there alone and surrounded by vapires. You felt like a child who had lost their mother, confused and helpless. There in front of you stood the vampire you wanted to kill so bad. His straight blonde hair fell just below his eyebrows, his cold eyes staring at you. They were an unhuman color of goldish-red. He peered at you with a faint smile.

"I will kill you!" You screamed at him, the leader of the vampires, Alerick.

"It's amazing how you can be so sure of yourself when your surrounded. Just look at the situation." He gleamed at you with a wide grin. You lost hope, your eyes showed it and he knew. He moved in closer to you. His skin was as white as the moon. He gently touched your cheek. His hand was so cold, so dead. He brethed in deeply then said, "Mm you smell so good." Then he leaned in and sunk his teeth into your neck. It didn't hurt though. Slowly you started to become light headed your vision blurry, soon you were unconcious.

This event brought you to a flashback of that day 5 years ago when you were 14. You were sitting on your couch one cool summer night, watching tv till you passed out. You heard some ruckus coming from your parents bedroom, annoyed you turned the television up louder. Soon enough you were asleep. The next morning when you woke up breakfast hadnt been made and the house was silent. This confused you because it was the weekend and your parents are up early. You checked through the window to see if their cars were still there and they were. You went up stairs and the door was ajar you pushed it open and what you saw terrified you.

The vampires had done more that night than just feed on your parents they practically slaughtered them. The walls were stained with blood, dripping from every corner. Their bodies were dismembered and was in a heap on the bed. The room smelled of death. Tears rushed to your eyes as you fell to your knees wailing and sobbing. Questions rushed through your head as you cried in a puddle of your own parents blood.'Why, who would they do such a thing, why, why WHY!' you kept repeating this in your head. When you finally got to your feet you called your best friend. Not being able to understand what you were saying she called the police on her cell phone, not letting you leave the phone.

When the police came they sent you the station for questioning after calming you down they asked questions, investigated, then released you. After this you were sent to live with your Aunt and Uncle. It took a year of intense counsleing and serious talking for you to start recovering.

One night you were out with your friends. By the time you looked at your watch it was late. So you left to walk back home. The night was normal, the sky was cloudy concealing the moons light. You weren't afaid of the dark so this didnt bother you. You heard the normal ruckus of night animals in the bushes and what not. The next thing you heard made your heart pump with fear. It was the loud laughter of something. It made you sick to the pit of your stomach. It sounded like it was muffling someones scream. You started to run for it. You followed to sounds.

You looked down a black ally, that very moment there was a gust of wind moving the clouds. A ray of light shown the path before you. Just what you saw froze your body in place. You fought to move but your body wouldn't listen. There was a man drenched in blood. A body, that look like it had been ripped to pieces. All that counseling couldnt help you now. A tear streamed down your face. The man walked closer to you. His eyes glimmered in the light. He spoke in a voice so soft, so soothing. "It's alright. I wont hurt you. Im full now." He smiled.

You thought for a moment then you began, "Was it you?!" You wanted to stop but it all just spilled out. "You killed them didn't you?" He looked at you. His smile grew wider.

"I dont know what your talking about." This made you angrier. Your breathing became heavier and your thoughts out of control before you could stop youself you felt your hand moving with all its might at his face. He turned his face back to you and said, "We will meet again, and trust me I wont forget this." He turned and walked away, fading into the darkness as another breeze blew taking the light with it. You were able to move and you ran as fast as you could home. That night you had cried yourself to sleep.

You had finally awaken in a bed, but whose? You jumped up quicky, strange aroumas filled your nose. "Don't be frightned!" A voice said through the darkness. Oddly enough you were able to see, not like during the day though, you were able to outline things.

"Who are you and where am I? If your one of Alericks filthy slaves you should just kill me now!"

"No! I'm no slave of Alericks, that man is evil. If you dont believe me then dont and also your at my house. I smelled him encountering you and I thought I might be able to help but by the time I arrived you were lying on the ground." You sat there, taking in everything that happend remebering. Suddenly you felt very nausiated, dizzy, and light headed.


"You should get some more sleep. Your body is still getting used to its transformation. When you awake I will take you to eat." Not bothering to argue, you layed down and snuggled comfortably with his pillow. Soon you fell asleep deep in a dream. Your body was rapidly changing. Alericks siliva was dehumanizing you. Stopping your growth, blood, everything. You were pretty much dead. Exept for the extra burst your body needs to change your mucles, senses, and of course your teeth. You were now a vampire.

You woke up in a cold sweat. Your body was hungry from all the work it had just done. "Are you still there?"

That same voice as before replied, "Yes, right here. It's time to go eat."

"I...I cant do that."

"You dont have a choice"

"You dont understand i can't kill someone. I cant take a person away from there loved ones. It happend to me....I wouldnt be able to bear it if it were to happen to someone else."

"Well then..." He stopped for a moment, "Hm, well you would take away someone not loved then yes?"

You thought for a moment. "I guess so...why?"

"Well then, get out of bed and lets go. Oh yes and thats right I still dont know your name, mines Radu." He took your hand and helped you stand. "Will you be able to walk or do you need a hand?"

"No, I'll be fine. My name is Alexaderia Veronica Chronos.