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Hi, so I'm Sarah. There's nothing more to it, and I can bet you will never find a nickname for me that will stick, but oh well. I am cursed, haha. I like to make jokes and talk about anime and japan and japanese stuff, face it I'm a japanefile. lol! I'm always serching for some good tunes so if you are really obsessing over something suggest it to me! I used to have a top sexy list but that was demolished when I read too many mangas. lol, I'll just name some of my all time favorite charaters I can rememeber.

♥Light Yagami, Abel Nightroad, Spike Speagle, Hiruma Yoishi, Ren Tsuruga, Ichimaru Gin♥

So feel free to chat with me anytime, I love new friends and dont forget to sign my guestbook and subscribe XD thanks so much, bye bye!

IM me anytime, s/n- Trinityxlight

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O yah

Hee hee.
So its about 12:30 right now. i know i stay up late uber late!

last night i stayed till like 2:30 or something like that i was reading bitter virgin, which was great!

but the last words exchanged at the end annoyed me a lot!

i read claymore 85 and it was awesome- i love it when they step it :D

then im thinking ill either start reading special A or d gray man so cheers!


Holloween was aweosme i hung out with amber and cody and hope and mitchel and lawson and christy yes. i did. then my friend genesis had a birthday party and erin, amy, sarah, danielle was there. i got some pix from the party. we took them in the dark it was soo much fun!

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This is for hachi becuase they told me they dont get much snow or something like that so i went out and took some pix here ya go my otakuians ^^

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Skip beat

OH my gosh, so whose been following this manga? its sooo great! i loooved the last chapter

i like kyoko's natusu is relle amazing i was like OMKWTFBBQ lol [my friend kenny says that]

and i relle love the charater ren. he's sooo sexy i want him lol

and in Fairy Tail my fav. charater is Grey becuz ommk he'll strip anywhere. i love him! he's sexy


OH yes. now lets celebrate my greatness for 2 things i guess the complese download of charater songs from........


i love lelouch...i dont want him to die, IT CANT END THAT WAY!!!!!!!!!

stupid suzaku, i hated him even more when he slapped llyod. i love lloyd he's cute :D

reminds me of my beloved ichimaru! :D exept his eyes arnt creepy in the anime DX WHY DID THEY DO THAT TO ICHIMARU. his eyes areeeee GOURGOUS!

but nooo they had to fugg it all up. he's not such a bad guy all in all. FUCKING Aizen had to go an corrupt him and tousen i just hate him, they sould have just made him a hollow too! well vizard...or no no no thats too kool just killem and his friend the creepy dog!


Fairy Tail chapter 109 is not available yet.

whyyyyy D:

stupid fairy tail i get alll absorbed and then this! gosh darn it