Hwang Hee-chan is out injured after scoring his 9th-10th goal in the league

Wolverhampton won a 4-1 away match against Brentford in the 19th round of the 2023-2024 English Premier League (EPL) at G-Tech Community Stadium in London on the afternoon of the 27th (local time).

In the 6th minute of the first half, Brentford broke through the left line. A sharp cross went up from the left. Wolverhampton Totti cleared it with a header. Brentford's Lewis-Porter attempted a cut-and-eat shot in the ensuing corner kick. He was caught in defense.

Wolverhampton sought to counterattack after the defense. In the 11th minute of the first half, a lobbing pass to the back space of the defense entered the third line. Cunha tried to shoot after catching the ball. He fell due to a physical struggle with the defender. Hwang Hee-chan, who received a pass from João Gómez in the 12th minute of the first half, broke the back space of the defense and put a cutback pass to the center. He was hit by a defender and turned over the goal.

Wolverhampton scored in the ensuing corner kick. After the corner kick went up, it even came out with a mid-range shot. It hit the defender and flowed to the side. Sarabia crossed again. Lemina ran and finished with a header, shaking the net. It was the 13th minute of the first half.

Then came the extra goal. Hwang Hee-chan flashed. Brentford kicked off. Turned the pass back. The final defender passed to the goalkeeper. At this time, Hwang Hee-chan started. He snatched the ball as it was. He even beat the goalkeeper and shot and scored the goal. It was his ninth goal in the league.

Wolverhampton took the lead and played. Hwang Hee-chan dug into the back space in the 21st and 26th minutes of the first half. And he made a sharp move. However, it did not lead to a goal.

Wolverhampton scored another goal. It was Hwang Hee-chan again this time. In the 28th minute of the first half, goalkeeper Brentford Flecken kicked. Tottie Gomes gave it to the header and the front. Hwang Hee-chan caught the ball in the goal. He even beat the defender with his personal skills. And he shot and made a goal. It was his 10th goal in the league.

With a 3-1 lead, Wolverhampton took the lead in the game. Brentford couldn't make a proper breakthrough. Then, a variable came up. Hwang Hee-chan suddenly collapsed in the extra time of the first half. It seems that his waist was strained during the physical fight. Wolverhampton brought in Hwang Hee-chan and put in Bellegard. The first half ended with a 3-1 Wolverhampton lead.

In the second half, Brentford launched an offensive. In the second half, a pass came in from the right. Visa stabbed the pass. Damsgaard passed again and Lewis-Porter shot. It was in the arms of goalkeeper Sa. In the fifth minute of the second half, Godos crossed Morphey's pass. It did not lead to a shot. In the eighth minute, Lewis-Porter hit a volley shot in front of the arc circle. Goalkeeper Sa caught it.

The game went into a lull. In the 20th minute of the second half, Wolverhampton replaced his players. Sarabia and Semedo were excluded and Doherty and Doyle were added. It was to prepare for the game three days later. Then, Brentford also had Jensen's entry in the 32nd minute of the second half. The home team Brentford took the lead. Wolverhampton countered with a counterattack. In the 30th minute of the second half, Cunha snatched the ball. He shook the defense with his personal skills and shot as it was. He hit the post and came out. 토토사이트

Wolverhampton went into lockdown. Then he scored a decisive goal. It was the 34th minute of the second half. Collins made a pass miss. Cunha caught it. And after hitting in, pass, Velegaard scored. It was the game-defining goal
