Lee Jae-won, "SSG's winning catcher voluntary release," broke into Hanwha

The Hanwha Eagles completed contract with catcher Lee Jae-won for next year's season at an annual salary of 50 million won approx. After the end of this season, Lee Jae-won, who was excluded from the SSG's list of suspended players and became a free agent, took the opportunity again at the invitation of the Hanwha Eagles.

Hanwha's club and field agreed on the recruitment of Lee Jae-won. Hanwha, which has operated the first-tier catcher's team for the past two years as its main player Choi Jae-hoon and backup Park Sang-eon, had relatively weak depth at home. If anyone is injured, the catcher's team will be put on alert.

Heo In-seo, a promising player who is serving in the military in Sangmu, is scheduled to be discharged from the military in July next year, but it is not known what will happen in the meantime. He sympathized with the need for Lee Jae-won, who is experienced internally, to reinforce the catcher's depth, and brought him cheaply at an annual salary of 50 million won.

Lee Jae-won, who has lost ground in the SSG in recent years, came to the market after the end of the season by asking his team to release him. At the time, Lee said, "I am sorry to the front desk that I have worked with for 18 years, and I thank my teammates. I played for a good team. I won a lot, and I have many happy memories as a key player. I'm sorry that I can't retire here, but I'm in good physical condition. That's why I'm going to try more."

Lee Jae-won, a native of Incheon High School and wearing the SSG full-length SK Wyverns uniform as the first designation in 2006, has played 1426 games in 17 seasons in the first team so far this year. His overall performance is a batting average of 2,787, 108 homers, 612 RBIs, 374 walks and 623 strikeouts.351 slugging percentage.411 OPS.762.

Lee Jae-won, who continued to play as an offensive catcher in 2015 with the most 17 home runs and 100 RBIs as a personal player, led the Korean Series as a starting player in 2018. In the same year, he hit hard with a batting average of 3,299 percent 134 hits in 407 times at bat with 17 home runs and 57 RBIs OPS.919, and hit an optionless FA jackpot of 6.9 billion won for four years after the season.

However, he failed to fulfill his value as his performance deteriorated afterwards. He led the SSG to win the wire-to-wire championship in 2022, but his personal performance was poor with a batting average of 0.21 percent 47 hits in 234 times at bat with four homers and 28 RBIs with an OPS of .574. This year, he played only 27 games in the main league, deepening his slump with a batting average of 9.1 percent four hits in 44 times at bat with no homers and two RBIs with an OPS of .242.

However, he showed good performance in the Futures League with a batting average of 333 percent 21 hits in 63 times at bat with two homers and 16 RBIs and an OPS of .907 in 29 games. Although his performance has clearly declined recently, he has seized a new opportunity as a veteran with five wins. Attention is focusing on whether Lee Jae-won, who is wearing a Hanwha uniform, will make a comeback and add depth to his team's catcher lineup. 토토사이트
