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This is where I'll post my thoughts, opinions, or just things that happened to me.

A little tidbit about me in 270 words:
I am known as various names, but on theOtaku, I go by the username Timcanpy14. I’ll start off with my favourite anime/manga (in no order): Code Geass, Death Note, D.Gray-man, Shiki, and Higurashi no Naku Koro Ni. Outside of graphic desigining and anime/manga, my hobbies include drawing and painting; singing; reading novels, poems and non-fiction; watching movies; swimming in pools, the sea (I love the ocean but sadly, I live far away from the coast T.T); and jogging.

I’ve also made a recent discovery of myself, and that is being a practical person—I’m decent at solving math problems and whatnot but lacking in creativity and originality. What a great reason to be on a creative anime art-promoting website, huh? xD

Let’s move on to favourite colours. Mine consist of various shades of cyan, pink and purple, but it’s not like I absolutely love only those colours and despise every other colour. xD

If you’re like me and have selective memory, I’ll sum it all up for you. In short, the identity of Timcanpy14 can be defined as being an Otaku, having many hobbies, enjoying swimming in the sea, has a practical mind, and finds the shades of cyan, pink and purple pleasing to her eyes.

And that’s all you really need to know about me—or not, because it’s not that important, haha. But if you were—for some reason—curious about me, there it is. Hope that answers all your questions? But if you feel like asking me something, whether it be about myself, any requests for cards/icons, or just want to talk, just shoot me a private message; I don’t bite~


I am a member of Raisha's Lovely Ladies of myOtaku/theOtaku~
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11 Questions Tag

Turns out I actually posted something two days in a row! What is this world coming to?



1. You must post these rules.
2. Each person must post 11 things about themselves in their journal.
3. Answer the questions the tagger set for you in their post, and create eleven new questions for the people you tag to answer.
4. You have to choose 11 people to tag and post their usernames on your journal.
5. Go to their page and tell them you have tagged him/her.
6. No tag backs.
7. No stuff in the tagging section about "you are tagged if you are reading this." You legitimately (AKA, really, truly, with all honesty) have to tag 11 people.


11 Things About Timcanpy14:

1.) I love getting 8-9 hours of sleep every night.
2.) I love to read.
3.) Sometimes I wish I were a bird.
4.) I am in love with Hans Zimmer's movie scores. They're beyond amazing.
5.) Movies are my life.
6.) I love any kind of food with melted cheese. <3 (Pizza, lasagna, etc.)
7.) I also love veggies and fruits.
8.) I love writing in pen, even though I make a lot of mistakes. ^^;
9.) I like drawing, although I'm not that good at it.
10.) If I could travel back in time, I'd like to correct all the mistakes I made.
11.) I am hungry right now.


Danni (xNotUnderstood)'s Tag

1) what did you just say?
I said, "Would you like some green eggs and ham?"

2) what are you obsessed with currently?
Movies (a whole ton of them and just in general as well), cats, The Hunger Games trilogy

3) song you just heard
Two Steps from Hell - Archangel

4) song you know by heart?
The song that everyone knows by heart: NYAN CAT OF COURSE XDD

5) who was the last person you saw?
My friend.

6) Are you awesome enough to face me?
Psshh yeah, man. XD

7) What is the randomest thing you saw/did today?
...I was caught in the middle of a group hug... it was awkward. XD

8) If you were an animal, what would you be? what would people call you
Good question... I'd probably be an owl, just to fly around. ^^; What would people call me? Hmm, I don't know... if it's in a pet sense, I don't think I'd be a very good pet... XDD;

9) Do you wish to be something different? If so what?
I wish that people in this world were more loving and kind. (How cheesy is that? XD)

10) Can you count to 10 in a different way?
In Soviet Russia, you don't count to ten. Ten counts to you. (Lame, I know, sorry. XD)

11) Is this an 11th question?
Why yes. Yes it is.


Dark Flame 3479's Tag

1. Quick! Define endemic!
I'm a little cheater and searched it on Dictionary.com. XD
"1. natural to or characteristic of a specific people or place; native; indigenous: endemic folkways; countries where high unemployment is endemic."

2. What would you rather be doing right now than what you're actually doing?
Well, right now I'm just answering these questions, listening to music and ready to go to bed, so I don't have anything I'd rather be doing right now.

3. Have you ever had a dream about the end of the world?
Now that you mention it, I think I might have, once or twice...

4. Favorite ice cream flavor?

5. Can you drive? If not do you want to learn/are trying to learn?
Lawl no. XD I read the driver's manual once and I forgot everything I read. My parents are trying to make me take the test. XDD

6. Grab the book nearest to you, turn to page 18, and write down line 4.
"Just as the town clock strikes two, the mayor steps up to the podium and beings to read."
...If you know what book that is, you have clearly read it too many times. O_o

7. Are you listening to music right now? If so, what song?
Yes, ma'am. Heavy Metal Lover by Mother Monster

8. What was the last thing you bought?
If I remember correctly, it was Catching Fire by Suzanne Collins.

9. Which store would you choose to max out a credit card in?
Chapters/Indigo/Coles. In other words, a bookstore.

10. Favorite thing to wear on the weekends?
Sweat pants and an oversized t-shirt, of course!

11. What kind of things inspire you?
Amazing movie music scores (particularly composed by Hans Zimmer), beautiful skies, and great books.


sweetdevil's Tag

1. What's one goal you want to achieve this month?
I want to get A's (or at least high B's) in all my classes for the mid-report card... >o<

2. Would you go see a movie you really don't want to, just because a friend recommended it? (no downloading, you pay!)
Depends on who the friend is. If I'm really close friends with her/him and like spending my time with them, then yes, maybe I would. But if the movie looks really really bad, then I'd convince them to see a different movie, or just tell them straight out that I don't want to see it. XD

3. What are you most likely to say during the course of a day?
"I'm sorry!", "Thank you!", "Lawl, no.", "Hi!", and "Bye!"

4. What subject would you get in a heated debate over?
Well, I have a few subjects that I feel strongly about, but I'm not the type of person who'll get in a heated debate over anything. XD;; I'd probably just walk away or if I'm not in a position to do that, punch them and tell them they suck.

5. If your favorite band/singer invited you onstage to sing with them, would you do it?
Well, if I knew the song really well... Who am I kidding, YES, DEFINITELY.

6. What's the question you hate most in quizzes?
Questions like these. Jk! XDD I don't really hate any kind of question, as long as they have good grammar and spelling and etc, there shouldn't be anything that would bother me.

7. If you could change one thing about TheO, what would you change?
That's a tough one... hmm, maybe the colour of the layout. Not permanently, but changing about every week or so. I dunno. XD;

8. What's your favorite game? (can be anything)
Rock, Paper, Scissors! XDD

9. When you played pretend as a kid, who/what did you most often pretend to be?
I'm kinda ashamed to say this, but I liked to pretend to be a princess. XDD;;;

10. Have you ever sent chain mail to other people?
Yes. But it was one of the good ones, not the "If you don't send this to x other people your mother will die in x days." etc. XDD

11. Is trolling satisfactory?
I've never really officially trolled anyone before. XD


My Questions:
1.) What's an anime that you like but never got around to finishing it?
2.) Who's your favourite movie/anime/video game/other score composer?
3.) Have you ever had a dream within a dream (within a dream)?
4.) Is the glass half full or half empty?
5.) Have you ever dreamed about pink fluffy unicorns dancing on rainbows?
6.) What's that over there?
7.) Am I running out of good questions to ask?
8.) Did you ever wonder if you were abducted by aliens, taken to a whole different galaxy, lived there for years, was brainwashed, and then was sent back to Earth again with all those memories gone?
9.) What does your current shampoo (or conditioner, doesn't really matter) smell like?
10.) If you could be a different person/animal/plant/thing for one day, who/what would you be?
11.) What's one thing you want to do before you die?


Tag 11 People (to answer my questions):
I don't know... Some people might not want to do this, so I'll just leave it up to whoever wants to can answer my questions. ^^
