In this world I shall post my writings. Mainly my poetry which I wrote a few years ago but also some of the stories I wrote.

Please feel free to use my work but on the following conditions, you give me credit for using my work and you also let me know what you have used my work in. I would be very intrested to know that.

I will be starting from the earliest of my poems so they won't be that good but I'm sure they improve.

I hope you enjoy reading the insight of the world though my eyes....

Bloody Black Rose

Bloody Black Rose

You gave me a black rose for my birthday
But only on the condition I told my fears
I sighed ever so slightly and took a seat
You listened silently, too silently as far as I was concerned

A couple of days later you died
The one person I was close to and trusted
Died because of my silly fears
The ones I had bottled up for so long
You hung yourself because of me

So I stand here over your grave
The black rose you had given me on my birthday in one hand
A bloody knief in the other
Blood flows down my wrist and over the rose

O place the bloody black rose on your grave
And hope you will never forget me

Bloody Tears Of Pain

Bloody Tears Of Pain

Blood stains the cuff of my shirt
Lonely and abandoned
Outcasted by others
Oblivious to the facts at my friends
Death is the only thing I want
Yearing for it all to end

Tormented by daily life
Empty and self-doubt
Anger builds up inside until I take it out on myself
Regretting it soon after
Solitude from the world is my only hope

Only I know the real me and my fate
Forsaken to walk the earth, full of shame and misery

Pathetic I am
Alone always
Invisable to the world
Nothing would change if I suddenly died
