Well hai thar ^^

Seems like you've stumbled across my blog! Well, I guess I'll give you a little information about myself:

Name (the one to be used for this blog's purposes): Mattie
You could also call me UM, um-chan, or whatever nickname you have for me.

Age: 17

Gender: 1/7 Female, 6/7 Male

Birthday: 9/3

Obsessions: Hetalia, Coldplay, video games (Nintendo mostly), drawing, writing, roleplaying, Let's Plays

Have fun wandering through my blog! BUT WAIT! It's dangerous to go alone! Take this! (hands you a hockey stick) ^^


Look at all the times I've been on the front page! :D SO HAPPY

I'm Sorry, But We Can't All Be Engineers

Mood: Tired
Listening to: SILENCE
Today's Word: um, something or other
Today's Video Game: THE GAME


I had a comic planned for today, and I can't scan it because if I try to my mom will interrogate me about not doing SAT or college stuff, so...TOMORROW!

It did pour today...for five minutes...so the show went on anyway -_- I HATE BAND SO MUCH. WHY DID I REJOIN? (cries to self)

My legs hurt because at callbacks today they dropped a surprise dance routine on our heads and, since I danced for seven years, I decided NOT to do the easy dance and take the hard one instead. BIG MISTAKE. Oh well XP I won't get a part anyway.

I'm so sleepy...But I wanna work on my fic...GAH...

If no one posts on Out of the Rabbit Hole tomorrow, I'm double-posting with Iago like I said I was going to. For real this time. (is determined)

Math homework? (feeds math textbook to Velvela) What math homework?

Have you ever just wanted to hug one of (coughMANYOF) your characters? I think my life would be made if I ever got to hug Damien...

I don't wanna go to bed yet... (is falling asleep)

Well, sorry for the spaz post... XD Tata~!


Darn You Fujian...

Mood: Tired
Listening to: non-stop Killers
Today's Word: Delirium
Today's Video Game: Professor Layton


Stupid Qing Fujian is keeping me up all night writing this stupid fic...and I guess Damien is helping, too...and Brandon Flowers...

I was going to explain my whole logic behind Jenny Was A Friend Of Mine and how it related to my picture, but I am way too tired and I'm pushing it back ANOTHER day.


I get to wait until Christmas break...I wonder if my mom realised that that DESTROYS my Christmas break. I'm okay with missing a day or two of school, but I don't really want to be sick for Christmas. XP

My stomach's starting to hurt...that's not good...

Can tomorrow just spontaneously combust and we skip to Wednesday? ...but Wednesday is Gutter Wednesdaya...for the sake of Mattie's sanity, let's have that spontaneously combust too...but then Thursday is band again...that can spontaneously combust...Friday, though, we need to keep because Chuggaa is started Majora's Mask then. But then the SATs are on Saturday...meeeeeeeh...And I have to go right from SATs to a band competition, like THAT'S smart... -_- I hate people.




Oh Look, It Works!

Mood: Somewhat tired
Today's Word: Beatles
Today's Video Game: Majora's Mask



Anyway, moving on. I really...don't feel like talking...I'm in the middle of trying to finish my second 100 Themes picture because theO didn't work the time I actually WANTED to write my blog...

I may be doing more of those Mattie comic things like the one yesterday cuz it's fun and poor Mattie hasn't been getting enough love from me lately.

I have a fic idea! Quick, I'd better go write it down!!

Gah, this post was short...I was planning on explaining my "Jenny Was A Friend Of Mine" logic yesterday, but I think I'll do that tomorrow... Sorry XP



Anger plus Hetalia plus Delirium

Wait, Three Hundred?

Mood: Cold
Listening to: Summers
Today's Word: Naptime
Today's Video Game: Twilight Princess


So I have to apologize for the lack of post yesterday...I fell asleep...

How did this blog already get over three hundred views? O.o THANK YOU!!!

This post might be short....cuz I have nothing to talk about...Been working on my 100 themes stuff. The first song is about a murder!! I have to talk about that when I actually post the work, which will hopefully be soon...

I didn't realize, but two of the people in my history class are also writing books. One I could see as a writer, but the other I never imagined would have an interest in writing--and her story sounded really good, too! And of course, I'm sitting here, barely having written a word of my novel...Sorry, Damien... TT~TT

I love Damien so much, just by the way. (glomps Damien...who proceeds to attempt to shoot her)

He doesn't love me back...

Did anyone see the news about Professor Layton vs. Phoenix Wright? I dunno how I feel about Professor Layton in 3D graphics, and not just the 3DS, just in general...I like him in his 2D awesomeness. Though, he looked okay, I guess, but Luke's eyes did NOT turn out well...

Okay, I'm going to go work on my murder song now! ^^; Tata~!
