I'm Sorry, But We Can't All Be Engineers

Mood: Tired
Listening to: SILENCE
Today's Word: um, something or other
Today's Video Game: THE GAME


I had a comic planned for today, and I can't scan it because if I try to my mom will interrogate me about not doing SAT or college stuff, so...TOMORROW!

It did pour today...for five minutes...so the show went on anyway -_- I HATE BAND SO MUCH. WHY DID I REJOIN? (cries to self)

My legs hurt because at callbacks today they dropped a surprise dance routine on our heads and, since I danced for seven years, I decided NOT to do the easy dance and take the hard one instead. BIG MISTAKE. Oh well XP I won't get a part anyway.

I'm so sleepy...But I wanna work on my fic...GAH...

If no one posts on Out of the Rabbit Hole tomorrow, I'm double-posting with Iago like I said I was going to. For real this time. (is determined)

Math homework? (feeds math textbook to Velvela) What math homework?

Have you ever just wanted to hug one of (coughMANYOF) your characters? I think my life would be made if I ever got to hug Damien...

I don't wanna go to bed yet... (is falling asleep)

Well, sorry for the spaz post... XD Tata~!

