Well hai thar ^^

Seems like you've stumbled across my blog! Well, I guess I'll give you a little information about myself:

Name (the one to be used for this blog's purposes): Mattie
You could also call me UM, um-chan, or whatever nickname you have for me.

Age: 17

Gender: 1/7 Female, 6/7 Male

Birthday: 9/3

Obsessions: Hetalia, Coldplay, video games (Nintendo mostly), drawing, writing, roleplaying, Let's Plays

Have fun wandering through my blog! BUT WAIT! It's dangerous to go alone! Take this! (hands you a hockey stick) ^^


Look at all the times I've been on the front page! :D SO HAPPY


Um, so...I has a taggy thing to do before I sleep...WHEEEEE 1. You must post these rules. 2. Each person must post 11 things about themselves in their journal. 3. Answer the questions the tagger set for you in their post...

Read the full post »


I'm a MORON! I tried to open a tab to put a link in my post and hit the "close tab" button instead! I DON'T WANNA RETYPE THIS CRAP! (headdesk)

Er, long story short, didn't post the last two days because I had SATs, a band competetion, and I'm really sick. Stayed home from school today and got some nasty giant pills of doom. So tired XP

Instead of working on college stuff, I worked on THIS today (and this is the part where I closed the tab...) I LOVE IT SO MUCH. I've been on such an Iago high...

Oh yeah, and I've pretty much decided that Iago's gay now...now I have to find him a boyfriend...yeah, should be interesting -_-

Tried to go back and read my old RPs today. Lizzie put them in alphabetical order instead of chronological like they used to be D: But either way, I could only bring myself to read four short ones... BETTER THAN USUAL THOUGH

I really don't want to sleep...I wanna watch YouTube...but I feel so meh... TT~TT



My Favorite Song is the One Where He Hides the Body

Mood: Sick
Listening to: The song where he kills her (Leave the Bourbon on the Shelf)
Today's Word: Moonfall
Today's Video Game: Majora's Mask


"I do indeed take a great deal of enjoyment in the action in which I breathe in short bursts through my nasal cavity so that I may inhale the aroma of the spherical orbs in which I have ownership."

Now that that's out of my system!

Chuggaa starts Majora's Mask today!! (Stupid past self, he already started two hour ago and it was great.) I listened to an interview between him and a British guy from Zelda Universe... <3

Today's post is all about RPs!! Because I had a revelation today about RPs, and it was further backed up by my Shakespeare class, which I think was trying to cause my revelation but was kinda late. RPs (like you guys don't know this) are where you write as someone who's not yourself, which is usually what writing in general is unless you're writing memoirs or college essays, neither of which I'm too keen on. But anyways, I (and people in general, according to the Shakespeare video) use my writing as kind of an escape from the real world. And with college and band and all that hell, I've been really stressed lately.

Which is why I'm an RP whore.

And I know that I'm an RP whore, and it's probably annoying to some people, but whatever. I probably freak out people with how quickly I post in OotRH... (is pretty sure that she's basically every alternate post) BUT I WILL KEEP WHORING that sounds wrong BECAUSE I'm going to be a novelist and it's good practice (which is what I told my mom...and what my guidance counselor wrote in my recommendation letter...) and I love writing and without it I'd probably have snapped and demolished the entire band with a maple syrup grenade by now...

Wait...if I didn't RP...there would be no maple syrup grenades... O.o

OKAY the rest of this post is going to be a long rambling on a few of my characters and Iago in particular because I WANNA WRITE! So you don't have to stick around if you're not interesting...not that I could force you to stay...

I had another revelation today about my three main characters that I use/write about:

Mattie (Canada)

Note that all three are guys...I dunno, I hate girly stuff and such and...just like writing from a guy's perspective? I think that's why writing Velvela feels different to me... But anyways on each character specifically...

Mattie is the character that is most like me. He's quiet, kinda shy and awkward, panics often, gets upset really easily, has crying powers of doom...He's also highly unnoticeable (well duh) and that's kinda me too... (sits in the back of class and doodles all day) That's why I find him easiest to use in roleplay/fanfiction.

Iago is...I dunno...not my evil side because my Iago regrets what he's done and such...I guess he's kinda the side of me that only a few of my really good friends know...like, the crazy, "DON'TTOUCHMYMUSTACHE, FUTON IS A FUN WORD" side of me...though I feel like I display my Iago side a lot on this blog... Anyway, he's more of the crazy side, to be brief.

And Damien...Damien is hard to explain...I'm really bad at being mean to people. Like, really bad. And Damien is just the opposite. He's nasty, snarky, sarcastic, sardonic...He's kind of the channel I use for my anger? He's both gay and atheist and despises the Catholic Church, reflective of my disdain for said religious group (which I don't usually voice cuz I'm in a Catholic school...) ...and he doesn't have a problem hurting people's feelings. So really he's nothing like me (personality-wise) at all...until you get to the part where you realise that he's incredibly socially awkward, has self esteem the size of a proton, and expresses his emotions using classical music...

Sometimes I wish I was snarky...being snarky is oh-so-much fun...

And now I'm going to type on and on about Iago because I feel like developing/elaborating on his character a bit more. LONG POSTS FTW

I'm not exactly sure why Iago can sing higher than most sopranos. I think I was obsessed with that one Vitas song, Opera No. 2 (or was it No. 1...?) at the time...He also can play guitar and accordian! Why are all my OCs (well, semi-OC in this case) musically talented?

I kinda picture him as having Neil Patrick Harris's voice...Not sure...

He owes Arthur a favor, I'm re-realising...That could be a bad thing...

I think he needs to be at least okay with cooking...Cuz his flatmates are both British and we know how I (and the rest of the world) feel about British cooking...though Arthur makes some damn good cupcakes...

So both his scarf and his pendant were given to him by two different characters from Othello...if you can guess who they are (and who gave which) you get a cookie...The pendant has reasoning behind it but the scarf was just a gift. I'll explain it in OotRH eventually...probably when Iago starts having flashbacks...

That reminds me! Iago sleeps with the light on cuz he's semi-scared of the dark--that's when he gets flashbacks...I wonder if that's gonna piss Arthur off...well, more than Iago already pisses him off, I mean...

I'm pretty Iago is just as obsessed with Arthur as I am...He's like, "WHAT? YOU DON'T LIKE ME? I WILL MAKE YOU LIKE ME! (hug of doom)"

Returning to the cooking thing...I'm foreseeing a lot of microwave meals...

This is why Shakespeare class is bad for me. I get on Iago highs. ANYWAY CONTINUING~!

It seems strange at first that Iago relates better to animals than to people. Obviously, he "relates" well to people, seeing as he can manipulate them with a smile and such, but I guess that's not so much "relating" as "reading them and playing to their weak spots"...but animals he reads in a different way, since they aren't really judgemental and he feels more...open with them? I dunno... Iago loves birds because of the freedom they have to fly. Sound cliche? ^^; I dunno how I ended up giving him Nevermore...But he's the kind of person who would appreciate a raven that can only say one word...

He also made friends with Cthulhu in a comic I once tried to plan...

Okay, giant thing here, and something I've been thinking about for a while: ...is Iago gay?

Why am I asking that? He's my character, I should know. But honestly...I don't... I intended for him to be straight. In fact, he has a girlfriend (Alice, from Wonderland?) in that comic that kinda died...which makes this rethinking of his sexual orientation really awkward... But he ACTS like he's gay! He wears a MAN-SCARF! And I feel like he's really kinda feminine in his actions and reactions to some things...plus in the actual play he absolutely hates his wife, which makes me think this wasn't a love marriage, so there's some background, right? Plus he sings super high...

But he had no problem killing four people in one night...though I guess a girl could do that, too...


...maybe I'll make him bi. It's what I did with Cassio...

Comments? ^^; Though only two of you know Iago, really...

I'm done with this long post. Seriously. If you read the whole thing, you're amazing. I'm so delirious.....



"Iago is More Important to Me than Band"

Mood: Well...
Listening to: Hmm...
Today's Word: You see...
Today's Video Game: Um...


Lazy? Me? Noooooooooo...

Today's title is a direct quote by myself in my delirium today.

Allergies hit really bad...and it was a bad night at band...

I'm probably just gonna finish my Iago picture and go to bed...I want it finished for Shakespeare class tomorrow...

Oh, and at back-to-school night, my mom apparently talked to my Shakespeare teacher about my Iago obsession...awkward...



Did My Throat Just Die Again?

Mood: Tired
Listening to: Pikmin music in my head...
Today's Word: Sassafras
Today's Video Game: Majora's Mask


It felt like a Tuesday today...and yesterday felt like a Friday...and Monday felt like a Thursday...I'm really screwed up in terms of school XP

Woke up with terrifying pains in my stomach today. Didn't cave in and take Motrin until third period--smooth, Sherlock, I know. And now my throat's all wonky...

I think my stomach might be to blame for this, but we read a particularly gruesome story today in AP Lit...and after reading it, I felt physically sick. Sure, some stories have made me cringe, or lose faith in humanity, but never have I read something and legitimately felt like I was going to throw up. Just...never read "The Lottery". Ever. We get to watch a film adaptation of it tomorrow -_-

Shakespeare class was AWESOME today! We watched a video, and Iago popped up in it three times <3 Every single time, he had a beard, though... Am I the only one who pictures Iago clean-shaven? Cassio, too...

Iago: You also picture me in a man-scarf...

Cassio: And tights!

Iago: -_- YOU TOO!

Speaking of which, I'm super excited to start posting as Iago again! He's such a fun character~! And I'm looking forward to Cassio, too...

I realized that Iago is supposed to be super manipulative, and I can't persuade people for my life...

Iago can convince you that the sky is green. True fact.

It smells funny in my room...and I'm not sure why...

Oh, that comic at the beginning? We were talking about the death penalty in history class the other day, and how southern states give it out more. So I just slipped Fujian and Iago into the class... The style's really wacky, apparently I couldn't draw at ALL yesterday...

Anyways, gonna go either work on my fic or work on my post...or both...if I don't fall asleep...

