Did My Throat Just Die Again?

Mood: Tired
Listening to: Pikmin music in my head...
Today's Word: Sassafras
Today's Video Game: Majora's Mask


It felt like a Tuesday today...and yesterday felt like a Friday...and Monday felt like a Thursday...I'm really screwed up in terms of school XP

Woke up with terrifying pains in my stomach today. Didn't cave in and take Motrin until third period--smooth, Sherlock, I know. And now my throat's all wonky...

I think my stomach might be to blame for this, but we read a particularly gruesome story today in AP Lit...and after reading it, I felt physically sick. Sure, some stories have made me cringe, or lose faith in humanity, but never have I read something and legitimately felt like I was going to throw up. Just...never read "The Lottery". Ever. We get to watch a film adaptation of it tomorrow -_-

Shakespeare class was AWESOME today! We watched a video, and Iago popped up in it three times <3 Every single time, he had a beard, though... Am I the only one who pictures Iago clean-shaven? Cassio, too...

Iago: You also picture me in a man-scarf...

Cassio: And tights!

Iago: -_- YOU TOO!

Speaking of which, I'm super excited to start posting as Iago again! He's such a fun character~! And I'm looking forward to Cassio, too...

I realized that Iago is supposed to be super manipulative, and I can't persuade people for my life...

Iago can convince you that the sky is green. True fact.

It smells funny in my room...and I'm not sure why...

Oh, that comic at the beginning? We were talking about the death penalty in history class the other day, and how southern states give it out more. So I just slipped Fujian and Iago into the class... The style's really wacky, apparently I couldn't draw at ALL yesterday...

Anyways, gonna go either work on my fic or work on my post...or both...if I don't fall asleep...


