5 Days!

5 days until I end my job in NJ and start preparing to move to DC, which is both very exciting and intimidating at the same time. I'm anxious to get to a new place, but I wish I had someone I knew there. Even though I don't have rooming/housing quite figured out yet, I hope to eventually live in a group house or something. That way I'd at least get to know some people.
In artsy news, I am about40 pgs in on my comic and, in super special awesome exciting news, I am downloading Manga Studio Debut 4 as I type!!!! I am very excited to get started and also very excited that it was relatively cheap to download on amazon. I hope it's a good program, the reviews seemed positive enough. So you may FINALLY be seeing some arts again! Although I do need my scanner, which is currently in PA, so you won't be seeing anything for at least a week. boooooo.
Yep so that's all that's going on now. Counting down the days until I get to leave NJ. No offense, but there is no way I would ever want to live in this state. Ever. It's the jughandled strip malled armpit of the east coast. Haha in short, I'm not a fan.
I hope to be checking up on you all at some point today and check out the new arts. Perhaps post in Failtastick Fandoms if I get an idea for one. Any suggestions?
In the meantime enjoy this utterly adorable pug

have fun otaku-ing!
