This world is where I post all my fanfics. All my fanfics are oneshots with each one unrelated to the next, so no mutli-chapter fics from me. I accept constructive criticism and flaming will be used to toast marshmellows.

I don't write that often, only when the plot bunnies dump something into my brain; therefore, I won't be updating on a regular basis.

At any rate, I hope you will enjoy the fanfics that I write. Please leave a comment if you do. ^.^


Title: Relief
Rating: K+
Genre: General
Summary: After an intense fight with Miroku, Sango takes some time to recover. An implied SangoxInuyasha pairing.

She was shaking, shaking so bad she had to sit down.

She was actually quite used to this feeling. It was the same feeling she got after fighting a demon. It was the rush from having to keep on her toes and staying alert so her life wouldn’t be cut off. It was the crash from winning a battle and still having the adrenaline run through her body and yet being dog tired.

Except this time, she hadn’t battle with a yokai. She hadn’t fought with her fist and weapons. No, she had battled with words; words that would forever change her life.

She had yelled and accused with hurtful words. It didn’t help that what she had said was true. She had cried (a thing she hated to do in public) and screamed at the one that had hurt her so many times before. She had finally told him that she was finished, that she was tired of the pain he caused her.

And all he did was stand there, wallowing in his guilt and shame.

“Hey, you okay?” a gruff voice said to her. If it weren’t for the fact that she knew that voice very well, she wouldn’t have caught the hint of concern that underlined its roughness.

“I will be,” she replied. Her voice shook just as bad as her body and she took an unsteady breath to try to calm herself down.


Despite the crude reply, she couldn’t help but smile. That’s just how he was. He wouldn’t try to comfort her with sappy words or make her forget her worries with laughter. It just wasn’t him. All he would do is sit there next to her. It was his way of letting her know that he was there for her. It was his way of supporting her.

It was what she needed the most.

Was it a few minutes later? A few hours? She didn’t know. She had lost all track of time. All she knew was that she had stopped shaking and had calmed down. The adrenaline and worked its way out of her system and her erratic breathing and heartbeat had returned to normal. The tears that had unwillingly fallen before had long since ceased, leaving her face puffy and red.

She was at peace.

“Thank you, Inuyasha,” she said quietly yet sincerely.

“Feh, whatever!” was his reply as he got up and turned away, though not before she saw a faint blush paint his tanned face.

“If your done moping after your fight with that monk, then let’s head back already,” the hanyou said as he started walking back to Kaede’s village.

She smiled at her dear friend and got up to follow him, feeling a thousand pounds lighter. Though it had been painful to shed her burden called Miroku, she was glad that she did.

Sango felt relieved.

A/N: Good? Bad? Reviews would be nice.


I think I’m getting sick. Or maybe I caught something from a demon and the disease has weird side affects on humans. Or maybe the stress of trying to find the remaining jewel shards, destroy Naraku, and rescue my brother has finally caught up with me.

Whatever the case may be, there’s definitely something wrong with me. My stomach squeezes painfully and my heart will jump to erratic beats. My knees go weak and I can hardly stand at times. I loose my breath and all the blood rushes to my head. I loose all coherent thought and I sound like a complete idiot when speaking. It’s even messing with my concentration during battle!

So I privately spoke with Kaede during one of our stops at her village. I gave her my symptoms and braced myself for the worst.

She simply smiled and said, “Sango, my dear, ye are in love.”


No life threatening disease? No mental illness?

“Ye heard me the first time, dear. Now if ye will excuse me, I must gather some things for dinner.”

After she left, I sat there pondering on what she had told me.

She must be wrong. Maybe she misunderstood me? Maybe she misdiagnosed me? Nah! She’s just trying to play matchmaker like most old women her age. It was either that or she had sniffed one too many herbs before hearing me out. Besides, for her to say that, whatever I have can’t be all that bad. It’s probably just some phase that I’m going through. I’ll probably be back to normal in no time.

Yeah, that sounds right.

Satisfied with my conclusions, I got up and went to join the others for dinner. I couldn’t help but chuckle and shake my head at Kaede’s answer.


Pfff. Yeah right.

Because there’s no way I could be in love with Inuyasha.


A/N: Bet you didn't see that one coming. ^.^
