Welcome, all Otaku members! I am excited to start a new community activity for all of you. Here are the details:
This World will be dedicated to hosting a school for the members of theOtaku.com. The intention is to help everyone increase their drawing/art skills in general and to, of course, have fun! It's also a great way to get to know people.
What are we going to do, exactly? Well, homework will be assigned to everyone (and everyone is expected to do it!). There will be deadlines and the reason why everyone is expected to complete the homework assignments is because... what's a school without its students doing their work!?

So to begin, if you'd like, please feel free to sign up to be a student at theOtaku Academy!

Sign-up Form | Currently Enrolled Students | FAQ | Cookie System
Females' Uniform | Males' Uniform
Current Activities:

Sign-up Form

Are you here to sign up to be a student? Well then, please do! Simply comment on this post and you will be recognized. If you have any questions, check out our FAQ page, or leave your questions there if you don't see your answer!

I will eventually need to assign teachers to help me regulate students when things get a bit tough, so if you'd like to volunteer as one, let me know! But if you're a teacher, you can't be a student, and vice versa.

As of right now, there are no teacher spots open. However, if you would like to some day become one, leave a comment. But you will only be accepted as a student to start.
