You Came From WHERE?! o_o

My head was spinning. Amy came from the sound village?! From Orochimaru?! I couldn't believe it, but the way she was begging me not to tell anyone told me she was telling the truth. Then a thought occurred to me. I hadn't seen lobos in a while... Maybe Orochimaru ordered him to come back? If Amy really was from the sound, then she might have seen him...

"Um... Amy? I promise I wont tell anyone, but..." She looked up at me, tears still in her eyes. It made it hard to speak. "Uh... have you ever seen...a boy that looks about 17, with sand colored hair? He's my brother, and I just want to make sure he's ok..." I trailed off, not sure what to say next.

Amy seemed to be thinking, probably wondering if I would really keep my promise. To be honest, looking back, I realised I wasn't so sure I would keep it to myself.


kou: waaah this is so SHORT!!

me: sorry!! i have a writers block!!

~Kou and CCTsuki
