does this mean that the club will get banned from the biju world?! o_0

ok so i KNOW I've broken the second "biju commandment" PLEASE tell me if i can go on using alistar and lobos...

Kyuibbi gathered all of the biju together, saying that we had to go to Yuri's crowning. I wasn't so thrilled about this. It seemed that everywhere the club went, trouble stirred up. But, how could we manage to cause a commotion in our own realm? I decided that there was no way, but i was SO wrong.


We had just arrived, and nothing was going well. the guards wouldn't let us in, so we had to sneak in. Then, we heard shouting from the hospital wing of the castle.

"Wait old-man Yoshida! You're not losing a granddaughter. You're gaining a grandson and 3 great-grandchildren!!"

I should've known, I complained inwardly. Shukaku may be one of the legendary nine, but he's also the only one capable of causing trouble HERE, of all places...


ok, i know its short...but i've been writing off the top of my head lately. ^^'

